International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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A Web-based Fisheries Oceanographic Information System for the Bering Sea

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-02-26, 10:39 authored by Vardis M. Tsontos, D. A. Kiefer, P. A. Livingston

No abstracts are to be cited without prior reference to the author.

A prerequisite for better understanding the factors influencing the dynamics of marine populations in space and time is the integration, within a unified spatial modeling framework, of series of quantitative survey data on species distributions, environmental information, and model results. The interactive electronic fisheries atlas for the Bering Sea combines these features with standardized protocols for data access within an oceanographic Web-GIS to support the information needs of scientists and decision makers. Building upon informatics tools and approaches developed during GMBIS (Gulf of Maine Biogeographic Information System project), the Alaskan fisheries atlas combines historical fisheries catch survey and gut contents databases from NMFS-AFSC with coincident physical data and an extensive series of satellite imagery of diverse types. The resulting system allows users to interactively explore across the Internet via an intuitive, browser-based GIS interface the temporal evolution of species distribution patterns and trophic interactions in relation to diverse environmental datasets. This paper summarizes technical aspects of the system, and outlines its possible future usage as tool supporting marine ecosystem studies.



2006 Annual Science Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands


Theme Session M: Environmental and fisheries data management, access, and integration

Abstract reference


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[Authors]. 2006. A Web-based Fisheries Oceanographic Information System for the Bering Sea. 2006 Annual Science Conference, Maastricht, Netherlands. CM 2006/M:28.

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    ASC 2006 - Theme session M


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