International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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Abundance and productivity of the pelagic ecosystem along a transect across the northern Mid Atlantic Ridge in June 2003

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-02-26, 10:11 authored by Hafsteinn G. Gudfinnson, Høgni Debes, Tone Falkenhaug, Eilif Gaard, Ástthor Gislason, Hildur Petursdottir, Thorsteinn Sigurdsson, Alexandra Stupnikova, Hedinn Valdimarsson

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A research cruise was conducted into the Irminger Sea west and southwest of Iceland on the Icelandic vessel Árni Friðriksson, from 4-30 June 2003, investigating redfish, Sebastes mentella, other pelagic fishes, zooplankton, phytoplankton and the hydrography of the area. Part of the cruise was devoted to a special study on the physical and chemical factors as well as the abundance of phytoplankton, meso- and macrozooplankton and planktivorous fish on a transect across the northern part of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). This research is a part of the MAR-ECO project which aims to study the ecosystem associated with the northern MAR. In this paper we analyse the organisation of the pelagic ecosystem on the transect over the northern MAR, from phytoplankton to fish as apex predators.



2008 Annual Science Conference, Halifax, Canada


Theme Session C: Mid-ocean ridges and seamounts: oceanography, ecology, and exploitation

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[Authors]. 2008. Abundance and productivity of the pelagic ecosystem along a transect across the northern Mid Atlantic Ridge in June 2003. 2008 Annual Science Conference, Halifax, Canada. CM 2008/C:12.

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