International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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Climatic Impact on Northeast Arctic Cod Year-class Strength: Relevance to the Ricker and Beverton-Holt Models for Determination of the Recruitment-stock Dependence

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-02-06, 09:43 authored by B.N. Kotenev, V.P. Serebryakov, M.V. Bondarenko, A.D. Morozov

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Integral quantitative assessment of the environmental impact on the NEA cod year-class strength has been made with use of the survival index. Three types of survival conditions with different impact of spawning stock on recruit abundance were difined. There is a significant correlation between the survival index and the spawning stock, the recruitment abundance (40,1%), the water temperature



2009 Annual Science Conference, Berlin, Germany


Theme Session E: Climate impacts on marine fishes: discovering centennial patterns and disentangling current processes

Abstract reference


Recommended citation

[Authors]. 2009. Climatic Impact on Northeast Arctic Cod Year-class Strength: Relevance to the Ricker and Beverton-Holt Models for Determination of the Recruitment-stock Dependence. 2009 Annual Science Conference, Berlin, Germany. CM 2009/E:05.