International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Distribution and abundance of anchovy eggs in the Bay of Biscay in 1987 in comparison with 1983 and 1986

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-11-27, 11:37 authored by A. Eltink, J. Santiago

During the anchovy spawning period in 1987, three egg surveys were carried out in the southern Bay of Biscay. The results have been compared with the anchovy egg distributions estimated from the plankton samples from the Western Mackerel Egg Surveys in 1983 and 1986. Results from these surveys define the spawning of anchovy both in time and area, which is especially important for future surveys. The egg production curve is expected to be bimodal, adult spawners (2-5+ age groups) spawning earlier in May along the edge of the continental shelf and first time spawners spawning later in June in inshore waters. The egg production of the first time spawners reflects the recruitment to the adult population (2-5+age groups) the year after. This egg production of the recruiting year class may be estimated separately from the total egg production, because it seems that it is separated both in time and area. The year class 1986 is probably weak.



1988 Annual Science Conference, Bergen, Norway

Abstract reference


Recommended citation

Santiago, J. and Eltink A. 1988. Distribution and abundance of anchovy eggs in the Bay of Biscay in 1987 in comparison with 1983 and 1986. Annual Science Conference 1988, Bergen, Norway. C.M. Document 1988/H:9.