International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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Evaluating management options for Baltic salmon (Salmo salar) using bio-economic operating models in a generic simulation framework

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-03-22, 10:55 authored by Polina Levontin, Murdoch Mcallister

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The population of wild Baltic salmon has undergone in the last century a severe decline, due to dam building, overfishing and pollution. The international effort to reverse this decline can claim success in some of the main Baltic rivers where stocks are seen to be recovering, yet some wild stocks remain highly depleted. From a policy perspective there is a desire to identify a management strategy that would have a high probability of safeguarding the stocks while minimizing economic and social hardships of regulation. The difficulty in designing experiments in the real world makes simulation an attractive realm in which to evaluate alternative management regimes.



2005 ICES Annual Science Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland


Theme Session W on Rebuilding Programmes for Threatened Fish Populations

Abstract reference


Recommended citation

[Authors]. 2005. Evaluating management options for Baltic salmon (Salmo salar) using bio-economic operating models in a generic simulation framework. 2005 ICES Annual Science Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland. CM 2005/W:08.