International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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Fisheries Management In The Barents Sea

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-04-25, 08:37 authored by Tore Jakobsen

No abstracts are to be cited without prior reference to the author.

The fisheries in the Barents Sea are of very high importance to the region. Most of the fish stocks are shared by Norway and Russia and joint management decisions are taken by The Joint Norwegian-Russian Fisheries Commission. The delegations comprise representatives of the fishery administration and the fishing industry and biologists. The present management decision process in Norway and in the Commission is described and some explanations why the process has not been further developed are offered. Although the Commission has a long history with substantial progress in relations and co-operation, the management is· still characterised by short-term decision-making. Biological advice is· an important part of the decision process, whereas economic or socio-economic advice has not been requested or, if existing, has been largely ignored. Possible reasons for this are discussed. A joint symposium on management strategies this year could be a first step towards a management regime with a longer perspective. This should give better opportunities for· other scientific advice than biological to be used in the management



1999 ICES Annual Science Conference, Stockholm, Sweden


Theme Session Q on the Language of Fisheries Science and Management

Abstract reference


Recommended citation

[Authors]. 1999. Fisheries Management In The Barents Sea. 1999 ICES Annual Science Conference, Stockholm, Sweden. CM 1999/Q:01.

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    ASC 1999 - Q - Theme session


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