International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Harmful algal blooms and jellyfish: Impacts on ecosystems and ecosystem services

Version 2 2024-04-02, 20:03
Version 1 2024-03-01, 14:23
conference contribution
posted on 2024-04-02, 20:03 authored by ICESICES

Conveners: Eileen Bresnan ​(UK), Sophie Pitois (UK), Mike Rust (USA)​.

No abstracts are to be cited without prior reference to the author.

  • Regional changes in harmful algal events in the North Atlantic area over the last two decades documented using the HAEDAT database: Eileen Bresnan, P. Andersen, D. Anderson, S. Anglès, L. Arin, C. Belin, E. Berdalet, M. Branco, A. Cembella, D. Clarke, M. Delgado, K. Davidson, M. De Rijke, W. Eikrem, L. Fernández, M. Fernández-Tejedor.
  • New perspectives and insights from 20 years of monitoring algal events in Irish coastal waters: Dave Clarke, Rafael Salas, Conor Duffy, Joe Silke.
  • Harmful algal blooms in the Kattegat-Skagerrak and the Baltic Sea, and their effects on aquaculture: Bengt Karlson, Marie Johansen, Maria Karlberg, Malin Olofsson, Ann-Turi Skjevik, Malin Persson.
  • High-resolution coastal modeling of harmful algae bloom advection: Maximo Garcia-Jove Navarro, Bengt Karlson, Lars Axell, Sam Fredriksson, Lars Arneborg.
  • Using habitat model approach to predict jellyfish blooms: Sevrine Sailley, Lauren Biermann, Nick Selmes, Steve Groom.
  • Monitoring gelatinous zooplankton: a cost-effective methodology during routine fishery trawl surveys: Elvire Antajan, Sophie Pitois, Lidia Yebra, Luis Gil de Sola, Franck Coppin, Christopher Lynam, Arnaud Auber, Morgane Travers, Pascal Laffargue, Mathieu Doray, Angélique Jadaud, Tarek Hattab, Jérôme Baudrier, Sandrine Vaz.
  • Cryptic diets of forage fish: jellyfish consumption observed in the Celtic Sea and western English Channel: Philip D. Lamb, John K. Pinnegar, Ewan Hunter, Martin I. Taylor, Jeroen van der Kooij.
  • Factors controlling toxic microalgae in open marine waters: challenges for pioneering offshore bivalve aquaculture in the Basque Country (southeastern Bay of Biscay): M. Revilla, J. A. Fernandes, L. Ferrer, A. Fontán, A. Laza-Martínez, J. G. Rodríguez, Y. Sagarminaga, O. Solaun.
  • Advances in the early warning of species causing Diarrhetic Shellfish Poisoning: D. acuminata modelling: Alexandra Silva, A. Sobrinho-Gonçalves, T. Rosa, B. Mota.
  • Toxic Cyanobacteria blooms in Russian part of Curonian and Vistula Lagoons of the Baltic Sea: Dmitrieva Olga, A. Semenowa, L. Podgornyj.
  • Lethal effect of filamentous algal blooms on Atlantic herring (Clupea harengus) eggs in the Baltic Sea: L. von Nordheim, P. Kotterba, D. Moll, P. Polte.
  • The distribution of benthic toxin-producing dinoflagellates along the Swedish west coast and climate change related growth experiments: Elena Alabarces Alvarez, Bengt Karlson, Anna Godhe, Allan Cembella, Mona Hoppenrath, Uwe John, Kerstin Klemm.
  • Scyphozoan jellyfish aurelia aurita in the south-eastern Baltic in the fall of 2017: abundance, size composition and correlation with the distribution of crustacean zooplankton: Karasiova E. M., Semenova A.S., Zezera A. S., Karpushevskiy I.V., Dmitrieva O.A.
  • Warning trigger levels of Dinophysis for DSP outbreaks: L. Godinho, S. Rodrigues, A. Silva.
  • Assessing & mitigating the risks of Harmful Algal Blooms in sustainable shellfish aquaculture: Martin K.S. Lilley, A. Ross Brown, Claire Widdicombe, Andrea McEvoy, Paul Rooks, Jamie Shutler, Chris Lowe, Yuri Artioli, Ricardo Torres, Charles R. Tyler.



ICES Annual Science Conference 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden


Theme session J: Harmful algal blooms and jellyfish: Impacts on ecosystems and ecosystem services​

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[Authors]. 2019. [Title]. Annual Science Conference 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. C.M. Document 2019 / [Abstract reference].

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