International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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History of Russian fisheries on seamounts in the Atlantic

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-02-26, 10:11 authored by V.I. Vinnichenko, A. F. Kakora

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Intensive exploitation of seamounts in the Atlantic Ocean was initiated by Russia in the 1970s­1980s. Large­scale exploratory fisheries were conducted on the northern Mid­Atlantic Ridge (MAR), Corner and Rio­Grande Rises, South Azores and Madeira – Canary Island areas, the Vavilov, Walvis and South Antilic Ridges. As a result, seamounts with concentrations of roundnose grenadier, alfonsino, orange roughy, black scabbardfish, tusk, pelagic armorhead, horse mackerel, mackerel, and scabbardfish notothenids, patagonian toothfish and other species were found in some areas. The highest Russian annual catches in most seamount areas were between 1,000 and 10,000 t, with the exception of the MAR Madeira – Canary Island area catches (29,900 and 46,500 t). The total cumulative catch from the Atlantic seamounts amounted about 0.5 million tons. The history of fisheries indicates a vulnerability of fish stocks inhabiting the seamounts. The highest catches and fleet efficiency were observed during the first few years after the fishery beginning. Later on, these rates substantially decreased and remained low over a long period. In some cases even small catches caused lower density and stability of aggregations and consequently reduced catches. In some areas catches increased again after several years but they did not again reach the initial level. As a result of high fishing effort most of the stocks are severely depressed.



2008 Annual Science Conference, Halifax, Canada


Theme Session C: Mid-ocean ridges and seamounts: oceanography, ecology, and exploitation

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[Authors]. 2008. History of Russian fisheries on seamounts in the Atlantic. 2008 Annual Science Conference, Halifax, Canada. CM 2008/C:10.

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