International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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Microplastics: effects on oyster physiology at adult and larval stages

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-01-02, 11:16 authored by Rossana Sussarellu, Philippe Soudant, Christophe Lambert, Caroline Fabioux, Charlotte Corporeau, Charlotte Laot, Nelly Le Goïc, Virgile Quillien, Jean-Yves Daniel, Pierre Boudry, Marc Long, Christian Mingant, Bruno Petton, Thomas Maes, Dick Vethaak, Johan Robbens, Arnaud Huvet.

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Plastics are persistent synthetic materials, which can accumulate in the marine environment, although the consequences of macroplastic debris for wildlife are well documented, the impacts of microplastics (MP) on marine life are still largely unknown. In this study a chronic exposure of adult Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) to MP, during two months, was performed under controlled conditions using a mix of yellow-green fluorescent polystyrene MP (2 and 6 µm). The distribution and accumulation of the MP in oyster hemolymph and tissues was monitored using histology and flow cytometry. Appropriate experimental conditions were designed to induce gametogenesis and production of mature gametes in order to test the effects of MP on oyster reproduction, gamete quality and subsequent larval development. Physiological perturbations in adults were assessed by measuring ecophysiological behavior, growth, defense mechanisms and reproductive allocation. These measurements would help defining toxic endpoints and to guide future studies on the effects of MP on Pacific oyster physiology.



2013 ICES Annual Science Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland


Theme Session A: Marine litter (co-sponsored by PICES)

Abstract reference


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[Authors]. 2013. Microplastics: effects on oyster physiology at adult and larval stages. 2013 ICES Annual Science Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland. CM 2013/A:5.

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