International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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Monitoring Growth Of Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena Phocoena) In Human Care

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-04-25, 08:40 authored by Christina Lockyer, Genevieve Desportes, Kirstin Anderson, Sabrina Labberté, Ursula Siebert

No abstracts are to be cited without prior reference to the author.

A male and female harbour porpoise, taken into human care at the Fjord and Belt Centre in April 1997, are housed in an outdoor pool area off Kerteminde fjord, Denmark. The estimated age was 2-3yr for both animals so that current ages are 6-7yr (April 2001). Growth has been monitored since capture by means of body length and weight, girth, blubber thickness, and dietary intake. Each food batch has been analysed biochemically. Their weights have fluctuated seasonally during the period, with increasing weight from October, peak in January, and rapid loss in spring around April. Girth and blubber thickness mirror these weight fluctuations. Food intake has also fluctuated seasonally, but increases have preceded weight gains. Daily food consumption ranged from 3.5 – 4.5 kg (ca 7 – 9.5% body weight). During the 48 months since capture, lengths have increased steadily from 130.5 – 141 cm (male), and from 127.5 – 151 cm (female), and initial weights from 37.5 – max.47 kg (male) and 40.5–max.60 kg (female). Body lengths and weights compare favourably with expected body sizes determined from by-caught porpoises in the region. We anticipate that seasonal changes in body fat are correlated both with water temperature and summer reproductive activity, suggesting that blubber fat may serve as insulation and energy reserves.



2001 ICES Annual Science Conference, Oslo, Norway


Theme Session J on The Life History, Dynamics and Exploitation of Living Marine Resources: Advances in Knowledge and Methodology

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[Authors]. 2001. Monitoring Growth Of Harbour Porpoise (Phocoena Phocoena) In Human Care. 2001 ICES Annual Science Conference, Oslo, Norway. CM 2001/J:29.

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