International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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New approaches to the understanding of energy transfer through the foodwebs

conference contribution
posted on 2024-03-01, 14:23 authored by ICESICES

Conveners: Hildur Pétursdóttir (Iceland), Janna Peters (Germany), Marie Johansen (Sweden).

No abstracts are to be cited without prior reference to the author.

Using imaging cytometry to assess the trophic role of micro- and mesozooplankton: Elaine Fileman, Cornwell, L., Harmer, R., Sailey,S., & Atkinson, A.

Microhabitats for small Zooplankton created by Marine Snow Aggregates and Fecal Pellets: M. Fredrika Norrbin, Theo Beroujon, Morten Iversen, Marja Koski, Helena K. Michelsen, Camilla Svensen.

Jellyfish on the menu: mtDNA assay reveals scyphozoan predation in the Irish Sea: Philip D. Lamb, John K. Pinnegar, Ewan Hunter, Martin I. Taylor.

Integrative analysis of the mesopelagic food web: metabarcoding, morphological taxonomy, and stable isotope analysis of the diets of fishes and salps in the ocean twilight zone: Ann Bucklin, Joel K. Llopiz, Simon R. Thorrold, Paola G. Batta-Lona, Sarah Glancy, Melissa Wojcicki, Alexandra Frenzel.

Food source preference of five fish species related to an offshore wind farm at the Belgian part of the North Sea: Ninon Mavraki, Steven Degraer, Jan Vanaverbeke.

Diet tracing in anchovy and sardine: a multi-proxy approach to understand trophic interactions in the NW Mediterranean pelagic ecosystem: Eneko Bachiller, Joan Gimenez, Marta Albo-Puigserver, Elena Lloret, Jose Maria Bellido, Maria Grazia Pennino, Antonio Esteban, Neus Marí-Mena, Belén Carro, Marta Coll.

How should DNA metabarcoding based food web data be integrated into marine ecosystem models?: Naiara Rodriguez-Ezpeleta, Anders Lanzen, Iñaki Mendibil, Eneko Bachiller, Eider Andonegi, Unai Cotano.

Energy-based ecosystem modelling illuminates the ecological role of northeast Pacific herring: Szymon Surma, Evgeny A. Pakhomov Tony J. Pitcher.

Comparative study of food webs from two different time periods of Gulf of Maine ecosystem through network analysis: Dongyan Han, Yong Chen, Siquan Tian.

Food-web assessment models to support integrated ecosystem assessment: Benjamin Planque, Christian Mullon.

An empirical approach to assess and understand drivers and trade-offs between multiple marine ecosystem functions: Aurore Maureaud, Martin Lindegren.

Isotopic niche variation in European plaice Pleuronectes platessa: diet, habitat or metabolic effect?: Timmerman Charles-André, Louise Day, Anik Brind´Amour, Pierre Cresson.

Discovering food web interactions in the ocean twilight zone: metabarcoding analysis of the diet of mesopelagic fishes: Melissa Wojcicki, Sarah Glancy, Joel K. Llopiz, Ann Bucklin.

Metabarcoding analysis of salp diets and trophic relationships in mesopelagic food webs: Paola G. Batta-Lona, Joel K. Llopiz, Annette Govindarajan, Ann Bucklin.

Trophic structure and feeding behaviour of two co-occurring species of deep-sea sharks: Klara Jakobsdóttir, Jón Sólmundsson, Hildur Pétursdóttir.

Combining stable isotope mixing models and a bioenergetics-based approach to spatialize the exploitation efficiency of juvenile demersal fish a coastal nursery: Louise Day, Pierre Cresson, Alexandra Engler, Hervé Le Bris, Anik Brind’Amour.



ICES Annual Science Conference 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden


Theme session K: New approaches to the understanding of energy transfer through the foodwebs

Recommended citation

[Authors]. 2019. [Title]. Annual Science Conference 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden. C.M. Document 2019 / [Abstract reference].

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