International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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The Impact Of Eggs Vertical Ascent Speed And Water Dynamics On Abundance And Survival Of The North-East Arctic Cod (Gadus Morhua Morhua L.) In The Barents Sea At Early Life Stages

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-03-22, 10:41 authored by A. G.Trofimov, V. A. Ivshin, N. V. Mukhina

No abstracts are to be cited without prior reference to the author.

Water dynamics plays an important role in the life of fish at early stages, when passive way of movement prevails over active. Impact of dynamic processes on eggs begins right after they have been spawned. To study this impact a model of eggs ascent based on water density stratification and a hydrodynamic model have been developed. To study the distribution and to derive the abundance indices for cod eggs and larvae data from ichthyoplankton surveys at the Lofoten grounds in 1987–1989 have been used.



2003 ICES Annual Science Conference, Tallinn, Estonia


Theme Session O: Transport of Eggs and Larvae Relevant to Cod Stocks of the North Atlantic

Abstract reference


Recommended citation

[Authors]. 2003. The Impact Of Eggs Vertical Ascent Speed And Water Dynamics On Abundance And Survival Of The North-East Arctic Cod (Gadus Morhua Morhua L.) In The Barents Sea At Early Life Stages. 2003 ICES Annual Science Conference, Tallinn, Estonia. CM 2003/O:04.