International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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The changes of marine algae flora and phytocenosises of Barents Sea (Russian coast) as theindicator of climatic fluctuations of North Atlantic region

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-03-22, 10:51 authored by Vadim A. Shtrik

No abstracts are to be cited without prior reference to the author.

The three year studies of coastal ecosystem by the program of Coastal Ecosystem Monitoring of Kola peninsula of VNIRO provided new results on composition and structure of near-shore communities of Kola Peninsula (Barents Sea). The monitoring study based on biocenosis stratification of coastal area by method of diving transects and detailed description of quantitative and qualitative indicators of ecosystem. The phyto-geographical subdivision of coastal line was made based on dominant and floristic indexes of biodiversity and structure of phytocenosises. The results obtained indicate that there were appear at least 12 new species of Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta , Rhodophyta algae at the offshore ecosystem of Barents Sea, Kola Peninsula during the lust decades. Some of them were found for the first time at Barents Sea, while the others were discovered for the first time for Seas of Eurasian part of Arctic Ocean. However, these new locations were the results of expansion of species and enlargements of natural habitats. The same patterns of natural habitats extension for all those algae probably are arising from the effect of the global climatic changes at the region of North Atlantic. The paper shows the models of spatial extension of natural habitats for discovered sea algae. An attempt was made to collate long-term fluctuations of climate in offshore zone of Barents Sea with the tendency of spatial expansion of sea algae and the changes of phytocenosis composition of local offshore ecosystems. The new method of long term monitoring based on index of floristic biodiversity and phyto-geographic analyses of local areas of the coast was work out and applied.



2005 ICES Annual Science Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland


Theme Session L on the Spatial Dimension of Ecosystem Structure and Dynamics

Abstract reference


Recommended citation

[Authors]. 2005. The changes of marine algae flora and phytocenosises of Barents Sea (Russian coast) as theindicator of climatic fluctuations of North Atlantic region. 2005 ICES Annual Science Conference, Aberdeen, Scotland. CM 2005/L:29.