International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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The role of the Kolbeinsey Ridge and the Spar Fracture Zone in the circulation in the Iceland Sea

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-01-02, 11:20 authored by Steingrímur Jónsson, Héðinn Valdimarsson, Andreas Macrander

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The Iceland Sea is split into two separate basins by the Kolbeinsey Ridge. It is separated in two parts by the Spar Fracture Zone at 69°N, with a sill depth of roughly 1400 m, that provides a corridor between the two basins. The depth at the crest of the ridge is less than 1000 m over most of its extent. In the area around the Spar Fracture Zone many currents are interacting, such as the East Greenland Current, the North Icelandic Irminger Current, the North Icelandic Jet and the East Icelandic Current as well as the cyclonic Gyre circulation over the Iceland Plateau. In recent years, several studies, including hydrographic surveys and current meter moorings, have been carried out, that have shed some light on the circulation in this area. Altimetry data are also used to investigate the surface currents in the area. New features of the circulation have been revealed that have improved our understanding as well as giving rise to new questions regarding the circulation.



2013 ICES Annual Science Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland


Theme Session L: Hydrographic processes, circulation, and water mass formation in the polar and subpolar basins

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[Authors]. 2013. The role of the Kolbeinsey Ridge and the Spar Fracture Zone in the circulation in the Iceland Sea. 2013 ICES Annual Science Conference, Reykjavik, Iceland. CM 2013/L:5.

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