Ecosystem science needed to support a new era of offshore marine renewable energy
Conveners: Jan Vanaverbeke (Belgium), Daniel Wood (UK), Andrew Lipsky (USA)
CM 37: Effect of cable generated electromagnetic fields on early-life stage development of marine species
CM 49: Electromagnetic fields monitoring and modelling of marine renewable energies
CM 64: Monitoring demersal fish assemblages at the site of Norway’s first offshore floating wind farm
CM 113: Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) larvae are attracted by low-frequency noise simulating that of operating offshore wind farms
CM 122: Impact of fisheries exclusions on demersal fish in the southern North Sea
CM 125: A multi-method approach reveals habitat preferences and movement characteristics of Homarus gammarus within an offshore wind farm in the Irish sea
CM 150: The impact of turbine foundation type on catch rates of cod in the southern North Sea
CM 164: Ecosystem approaches to deal with the nexus of trade-offs between offshore energy and fishing within the context of climate change
CM 165: A fingerprinting approach to unravel the contributors to the organic matter pool of an Offshore Wind Farm
CM 180: A Cumulative Effects Framework for Offshore Marine Renewable Energy
CM 184: The large-scale impact of anthropogenic mixing by offshore wind turbine foundations in the shallow North Sea
CM 189: The scour protection layer as ‘easy tool’ for incorporating the nature-inclusive design principle in offshore wind farm construction
CM 240: Towards a comprehensive knowledgebase for a sustainable co-location of passive gear fisheries in the vicinity of offshore windfarms
CM 259: Pre-construction baseline of spawning cod and their habitat preferences in offshore renewable energy areas
CM 262: Toward a fully coupled framework NEMO-ECOSMO-E2E-OSMOSE and its application for offshore wind farm effect on plankton and fish dynamics
CM 275: De-risking wave energy environmental impacts: cetacean communities at a wave energy test site in Aguçadoura, in Portugal
CM 315: Cumulative effects of Offshore Windfarms on the future North Sea ecosystem
CM 320: Generic approach for a review and characteristics evaluation performance matrix and survey on fisheries-windfarm interactions
CM 334: Potential impacts of floating offshore wind farms on vulnerable species in the Mediterranean Sea
CM 346: Offshore decommissioning horizon scan: research priorities to support decision-making activities for man-made infrastructure
CM 359: Modelled impacts of Offshore Wind Farms on physical mixing and primary production in stratified waters
CM 371: Investigating the potential impacts of offshore renewable energy installations on fisheries in the Iberian Peninsula and Bay of Biscay: A multi-data source study
CM 387: Ecological impacts of offshore wind farms: synthesis of scientific evidence and access to knowledge
CM 390: Harnessing the Ocean to Tackle Climate Change & Avoiding Maladaptation in the Process
CM 391: Using genetic estimates of connectivity to explore appropriate spatial scales for offshore windfarm impact assessments: an ecosystem-based case study for the black-legged kittiwake
CM 406: Changes in predator and prey in response to operating windfarm turbines
CM 408: ECOWINGS (Ecosystem Change, Offshore Wind, Net Gain and Seabirds): a new research project to understand and compensate for the cumulative effects of offshore wind farms on seabirds
CM 440: Accounting for climate variability and offshore wind energy development in examining future groundfish fishing opportunities on the U.S. West Coast
CM 449: A step-by-step guide to establish a transdisciplinary approach for co-existence processes for offshore wind development: Recent experiences in Norway
CM 472: Effects of emerging marine renewable energy technologies: what does this mean for the ecosystem?
CM 481: Representing fisheries’ footprints in marine spatial planning suitability analyses for offshore wind energy development
CM 488: A Bayesian framework using INLA for an ecosystem-based cumulative effect assessment of offshore windfarms
CM 496: Quantifying cumulative effects on the functional diversity of demersal fish communities under offshore wind farm expansion in the German North Sea
CM 504: Offshore wind in the US Atlantic: pressing research needs and opportunities
CM 524: Race for ocean space- and reducing the burden on ecosystems
CM 567: Ecological indicators of offshore wind interactions with marine ecosystems: Considerations for monitoring design
CM 578: Utilizing Bioclimate Modeling as a Technique to Understand Offshore Renewable Energy Effects Across Large Spatial Scales
CM 584: Impacts to Northeast US fishery-independent surveys and stock abundance indices due to offshore wind development
CM 628: Development of conceptual models to understand the interactions of offshore wind development and fisheries in the U.S. Gulf of Maine, Northwest Atlantic
CM 629: Improving analyses of the potential for fishing effort displacement caused by offshore development via integration of fishermen’s ecological knowledge
CM 630: Fisheries and floating offshore wind energy: Synthesis of the Science II
CM 636: Nature positive approaches in the offshore wind industry: a systematic review
Annual Science Conference 2023, 11-14 September 2023, Bilbao, Spain.
Theme Session A - Ecosystem science needed to support a new era of offshore marine renewable energy.
Recommended citation
ICES. 2022. Theme Session A – Ecosystem science needed to support a new era of offshore marine renewable energy. ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, Bilbao, Spain.