International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Theme Session B – Towards climate-informed ecosystem-based fisheries management​​ (co-sponsored by PICES)

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-01-25, 08:12 authored by ICESICES

Book of abstracts of theme session B:

Towards climate-informed ecosystem-based fisheries management

Conveners: Alan Baudron (UK), Kathy Mills (US), Kirstin Holsman (US)

  • CM 28: Evidence for spatiotemporal shift in demersal fishery management priority areas in the western Mediterranean
  • CM 45: Implications for the global tuna fishing industry of climate change-driven alterations in productivity and body sizes
  • CM 46: Future projections of marine biodiversity in Natura 2000 network areas under climate change and fishing activities
  • CM 52: Bottom temperature effect on growth of multiple demersal fish species in the Flemish Cap, Northwest Atlantic
  • CM 55: What is climate informed-informed fisheries advice?
  • CM 59: Annual spawners of common cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis: who are they and implications for fisheries management
  • CM 74: Ocean-climate conditions and spawner biomass affect the survival of blue whiting early life history stages
  • CM 92: Marine species distribution shifts in the Northeast Atlantic
  • CM 97: Sustainable ecosystem-based solutions for collapsed fisheries under climate change
  • CM 111: Future projections of suitable habitat for 49 commercial fish species: how will quota allocation and fisheries access be affected?
  • CM 129: Finishing the puzzle: A spatio-temporal approach for understanding past structural and functional changes in the Baltic Sea induced by climate change
  • CM 144: Data solutions to develop climate conditioned tactical and strategic fisheries advice
  • CM 183: Integrating climatic variables and fishing impacts to assess cumulative effects through a food-web modelling approach in the Northern Ionian Sea (Central Mediterranean Sea)
  • CM 200: Revisiting post-settlement dynamics and mechanisms for a depleted American lobster stock
  • CM 202: Understanding effects of long-term environmental changes for contaminant concentrations in herring from the Baltic Sea
  • CM 241: Climate-informed stock assessment of yellowtail flounder off New England
  • CM 278: Biodiversity exposure to projected climate change may compromise future marine protected areas resilience under business-as-usual scenario
  • CM 279: Building ecosystem resilience and prosperous sustainable fisheries with a Whole Site Approach to marine protection
  • CM 288: Using individual-based models to test alternative management measures under multiple climate regimes
  • CM 395: Designing a large-scale marine protected area network in a warming Mediterranean Sea
  • CM 397: Fishing influences sensitivity of fish growth to warming
  • CM 433: Proposed Business Rules to Incorporate Climate-induced Changes in Fisheries Management
  • CM 446: Modelling fish stock dynamics considering environmental variability: a case study of European hake (Merluccius merluccius)
  • CM 480: Satellite-derived marine environmental indices and their relations to higher trophic levels in the bay of Biscay
  • CM 510: Title : When isotopes reveal boreal species niche contraction in favor of lusitanian species
  • CM 514: Disentangling the environmental forcing of the European Hake stocks (Merluccius merluccius) (Linnaeus, 1758) in the Western Mediterranean
  • CM 525: Comparing performance of management alternatives for the US summer flounder recreational fishery given climate-driven shifts in availability
  • CM 538: Bathymetrical variations of fish indicators in Atlantic and Mediterranean waters
  • CM 540: Spatio-temporal variations and influence of environmental parameters in the biomass of long-finned squid (Loligo spp) in the English Channel
  • CM 549: Adapting the ecosystem and socioeconomic profile framework to include climate readiness for informing next generation stock assessments
  • CM 555: Thermally-driven changes in fish biodiversity in a temperate-boreal regional sea (Kattegat and Belt Sea)
  • CM 557: Climate effects on swordfish early-life habitats: the western Mediterranean open-ocean observatory
  • CM 562: Increasing resilience and adaptive capacity in Maine’s co-managed shellfish fishery
  • CM 570: Patterns and trends in fish trait composition in the Baltic Sea: underlying causes and potential implications for management
  • CM 575: Overlap of pollock and northern fur seals in the Eastern Bering Sea
  • CM 581: Near-term climate-ready fisheries actions for managers
  • CM 611: Biomass and distribution of cnidarians and ctenophores in Icelandic waters during the summertime in relation to environmental variables and lumpfish distributions
  • CM 622: Fishery management challenges and strategies for species distribution shifts: case studies from the Northwest Atlantic
  • CM 626: A climate resilience assessment and planning tool for marine fisheries
  • CM 632: Diverse pathways for climate resilience in marine fisheries systems
  • CM 657: Next steps in climate-informed fisheries management: the use of computer and data science in the co-design of next generation models



ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, Bilbao, Spain.


Theme Session B – Towards climate-informed ecosystem-based fisheries management (co-sponsored by PICES).

Recommended citation

ICES. 2023. Theme Session B – Towards climate-informed ecosystem-based fisheries management (co-sponsored by PICES). ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, Bilbao, Spain.