International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Theme Session D – Future of fisheries-independent surveys - progress in design, technology, estimation and management

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-01-25, 08:12 authored by ICESICES

Book of abstracts of theme session D:

Future of fisheries-independent surveys - progress in design, technology, estimation and management

Conveners: Stan Kotwicki (USA), Ingeborg de Boois (Netherlands), Richard O’Driscoll (New Zealand)​​

  • CM 24: The future of establishing groundfish density estimates in untrawlable habitat: paired lowered stereo-camera system and bottom trawl data
  • CM 26: Fishery-independent surveys can benefit from a paired gear approach: a case study from the Southeast Reef Fish Survey
  • CM 27: Weakly-supervised classification of acoustic echotraces in a multispecific pelagic environment
  • CM 44: Developing best practices in advancing new survey technology: lessons from a changing survey landscape in The Netherlands
  • CM 54: Routine data practices have unintended consequences for mesopelagic fisheries science
  • CM 76: Technological advancements in the School for Marine Science and Technology (SMAST) video trawl survey
  • CM 89: FishGlob – towards a collaborative platform integrating scientific bottom-trawl survey data to study and manage species under global change
  • CM 142: Challenges and solutions for fisheries independent surveys: a New Zealand perspective
  • CM 143: We’re getting a new boat: design of trawl inter-calibration trials
  • CM 160: Survey time series integration: comparing video observations of snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) in the Barents Sea with demersal trawl and pot data
  • CM 187: Improved estimates of selectivity for a long-term fishery-independent survey with technological changes
  • CM 188: When things turn out different despite good preparations
  • CM 209: Evaluation the efficiency of otolith collection for estimating the age composition of fish
  • CM 219: Addressing interactions between offshore wind energy development and fisheries independent surveys in the United States: Moving from Strategy to Developing a Survey Mitigation Program and Survey Mitigation Plans for NOAA Fisheries in the Northeast U.S. Region
  • CM 233: Survey design and implementation in a rapidly changing environment
  • CM 247: Spatiotemporal cross-validation of three survey methods for improved abundance indices of red king crab (Paralithodes camtschaticus)
  • CM 273: A comparison of survey design techniques for scallop, Placopecten magellanicus, camera sampling
  • CM 281: Understanding the limitations of static sampling designs to estimate abundance in a rapidly changing ecosystem
  • CM 414: Progress towards an analytical assessment of anglerfish based on an industry-science survey
  • CM 417: Industry contributions to data collection on Northeast Atlantic mackerel: benefits, lessons and challenges
  • CM 421: Development of comprehensive metadata records for a long-term monitoring program to facilitate data sharing and collaborative research
  • CM 427: Pathways to the modern fisheries-independent surveys of the future
  • CM 438: Mitigating Class-Imbalance in Acoustic Target Classification for Fisheries via Similarity-Based Data Selection
  • CM 462: Evaluation of alternative statistical sampling designs for a long-running multispecies bottom trawl survey
  • CM 477: How might climate change affect indices of abundance? A simulation study starting point
  • CM 482: Adapting to new technology: using ropeless gear to target American lobster (Homarus americanus) in fishery-independent sampling in New England, USA
  • CM 497: Recent advances in the design and technology of an industry-based bottom longline survey in the Gulf of Maine, USA
  • CM 539: Assessment of the impacts of changing survey diel protocols in estimating abundance indices
  • CM 547: Evaluating and calibrating historical long-term monitoring data for spatiotemporal consistency
  • CM 564: Quantifying the scientific and economic value of surveys to fisheries management
  • CM 579: Spatio-temporal variability of sardine Sardina pilchardus population inhabiting the gulf of Cadiz
  • CM 580: Cooperative research: Experiences from the integration of a commercial fishing vessel to ensure the continuity of survey indices
  • CM 623: The evolution of a regional sardine survey into a multi-national, multi-platform ecosystem assessment
  • CM 625: Modeling impacts of survey imprecision on the assessment of fish stocks
  • CM 638: Spatial distribution and biomass of Chilean jack mackerel off south-central Chile based on acoustic records from fishing vessels
  • CM 639: Monitoring juvenile abundance of southern bluefin tuna via a fisheries-independent genetic tagging program
  • CM 641: Re-envisioning west coast pelagic surveys: maintaining critical fisheries-independent time series while integrating survey effort on the U.S. west coast



ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, Bilbao, Spain.


Theme Session D – Future of fisheries-independent surveys - progress in design, technology, estimation and management.

Recommended citation

ICES. 2023. Theme Session D – Future of fisheries-independent surveys - progress in design, technology, estimation and management. ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, Bilbao, Spain.