Theme Session D – Marine food webs and ecosystem-based management
Conveners: Jacob Bentley (UK), Eider Andonegi (Spain), Maciej Tomczak (Sweden)
CM 705: Study on stomach content of fish to update databases and analyse possible changes in diet or food web interactions - SANOBA 10 project presentation
CM 710: DNA metabarcoding of fish predator diets: insights and applications for mesopelagic food webs and deep-sea ecosystems
CM 713: Model-Based and Empirical Indicators for Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management
CM 742: Food-web assessment using Chance and Necessity (CaN) modelling
CM 743: Competition between marine mammals and fisheries in the Norwegian and Barents seas
CM 756: Quantifying trophic controls of zooplankton and small pelagic fish in the Norwegian Sea
CM 757: Assessment of the dynamics of Sardinella aurita in the Canary Current in an ecosystem context
CM 758: A food-web assessment of marine mammals, fish, and fisheries in the Norwegian and Barents seas 1988-2021
CM 770: Applying stable isotope analysis to understand trophic redundancy, define conservation priorities, and identify ecosystem risks in the face of anthropogenic pressures
CM 776: Marine mammals, fish, and fisheries in the Norwegian and Barents seas: modelling the paths to the future we want
CM 780: Food webs and ecosystem trends in management advice
CM 824: Ecosystem modelling and fisheries management in the Southern North Sea
CM 827: Filling the gap of the small bottom fish biomass in the southern North Sea
CM 829: Assessing the effect of multispecies interactions on precautionary reference points: a North Sea
case study
CM 849: The importance of considering ecosystem aspects in fisheries management in the Bothnian Sea
CM 895: A shrimp’s tail: a narrative of lessons learned from a peer review of an end-to-end marine ecosystem model
CM 914: Multi-species modelling and stakeholder-informed approaches for ecosystem-based management of the Celtic Sea
CM 930: Variations of the nutritional quality of hake and whiting prey over a 20-year period
CM 932: Improving the reliability of food web and ecosystem models from individual life-cycle modelling
CM 933: Summer in the Wadden Sea: An Ecopath Approach towards predicting impacts of global changes on an unstable ecosystem
CM 934: Implication of resource competition for forage fish dynamics in the central Baltic Sea
CM 974: Restoring marine biodiversity with Nature-Based Solutions in a changing climate
CM 1017: Oil and gas platforms degrade benthic invertebrate diversity and food web structure
CM 1048: How climate-driven changes in primary production, physiological rates and non-indigenous species arrivals will affect the Eastern English Channel Southern North Sea (EEC-SNS) ecosystem structure and functioning by 2050?
CM 1065: An ecosystem-based perspective of fisheries spatial management
CM 1111: Can genetics-derived trophic data contribute towards implementation of EBM?
CM 1168: Food availability index: simple enough to calculate, detailed enough to use?
CM 1170: Making progresses towards the operationalization of the Ecosystem Based Management in the Bay of Biscay: progresses and uses of food web models to inform scientific advice
CM 1203: Evaluating trade-offs for Norwegian spring-spawning herring fisheries management strategies
CM 1207: Structure of the demersal food web in Western Mediterranean Sea
CM 1219: Towards operationalising Ecosystem-Based Management through Multispecies Maximum Sustainable Yield (MMSY)
CM 1229: The operational use of food web information and models within ICES
CM 1230: Assessing the ecological status of food webs and ecosystems across the Iberian Peninsula: advances in the ‘Ecological Network Analysis Indicator’ development