Developing applied evidence for biodiversity conservation and management
Conveners: Paul Whomersley (UK), Andrea Belgrano (Sweden), Will Le Quesne (UK)
CM 752: Mapping benthic biodiversity to facilitate future sustainable development
CM 768: Dredging up the past
CM 773: Interannual homing to reproductive sites and transboundary migration in black seabream Spondyliosoma cantharus, with implications for management
CM 830: New seascapes delimitation approach to inform protected areas designation considering trade-offs between current human activities and biodiversity conservation
CM 853: Comparing the size at onset of sexual maturity of edible crab (Cancer pagurus, Cancridae) in Berwickshire and Northumberland
CM 865: Integrated assessments to support sustainable management of a multi-service seabed system
CM 871: Using angling competition data to identify essential fish habitat for data deficient species
CM 877: Scale-dependent spatiotemporal patterns of biodiversity in the western Mediterranean: an indicator-based approach
CM 893: Biodiversity changes and reorganization of the demersal communities in the western Mediterranean
CM 900: Informing twaite shad (Alosa fallax) ecology and conservation using acoustic telemetry
CM 924: Diversity, stability and ecosystem functioning relationships across marine fish communities facing contrasting environmental and anthropogenic pressures
CM 929: Benthic indicators: informing sustainable marine management and conservation objectives
CM 942: Cumulative and interacting pressures shaping the spatiotemporal patterns of biodiversity in the western Mediterranean
CM 948: Genomic population structure of eelgrass (Zostera marina) as revealed by data from 2bRAD sequencing
CM 949: Establishing good pelagic habitat conditions for planktivorous fish
CM 971: Integrated evidence on trade-offs between conservation and use of marine ecosystems. A case study of English waters: where are we now, barriers and opportunities for progress
CM 992: Modelling Benthic State in the Central Mediterranean: reconciling benthos observations from different sources
CM 1009: Conservation advice for fisheries management in offshore marine protected are
CM 1016: Using meroplankton larvae to evaluate the connectivity of marine protected areas
CM 1022: Big data approaches reveal large-scale patterns in marine epifauna
CM 1026: Developing tools to facilitate sustainable and proportionate fisheries management: Estimating the spatial distribution of the pressure on, and services and sensitivity of coastal habitats
CM 1032: Competitive angling as a scientific tool: generating long term population data to support ecosystem-based management of coastal fisheries
CM 1046: Interannual homing to reproductive sites and transboundary migration in black seabream Spondyliosoma cantharus, with implications for management
CM 1068: Using a multi-pronged approach to increase the knowledge base for a fish species in the spotlight, pollack (Pollachius pollachius)
CM 1081: Leveraging high-resolution human activity data to support biodiversity conservation
CM 1123: Challenges for indicators to assess the status of the fish community in the Wadden Sea
CM 1142: Empirical data versus expert opinion in environmental impact assessments – a case study of twaite shad (Alosa fallax) & marine energy development in the Bristol Channel, UK
CM 1187: Tracking of European bass to inform fisheries management and policy: applied case studies at local and regional spatial scales
CM 1196: Moving from monitoring to applied evidence in the assessment of marine conservation areas in the Newfoundland and Labrador region, Northwest Atlantic