Ecosystem outcomes of co-existence with offshore renewable energy
Conveners: Andrew Gill (UK), Ninon Mavraki (Netherlands), Daniel Wood (UK)
CM 692: Economic feasibility of co-locating aquaculture within U.S. wind farms
CM 708: Strong site fidelity, residency, and local behaviour of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) at two types of artificial reefs in an offshore wind farm
CM 745: Climate change modulates the effect of co-location of offshore wind farms and bivalve aquaculture on marine ecosystem functioning
CM 750: Habitat use, home-ranges and activity patterns of translocated European lobster Homarus gammarus on artificial reefs in an offshore windfarm as assessed by acoustic telemetry
CM 751: Co-existence of fisheries and offshore wind: opportunities, challenges, and perspectives
CM 769: A toolbox for socio-ecological modeling in multi-use marine spaces
CM 784: Evaluating the long-term development of fish communities in the Lillgrund wind farm Öresund, Sweden
CM 785: The role of habitat and prey quality in marine mammal responses to developing offshore wind landscapes
CM 823: Experimental pot fishing on brown crab, velvet crab and European lobster in two Dutch offshore windfarms
CM 836: Passive fishing in offshore wind farm Borssele. A field study researching opportunities and challenges of four fishing techniques within Borssele offshore wind farm in the Netherlands
CM 838: Coexistence between fishery and offshore wind industries: an analysis of concerns and knowledge gaps with Norway as a case study
CM 840: Hydrodynamic modelling of offshore photovoltaic installations within an existing wind farm in the Belgian part of the North Sea
CM 846: A GIS-based tool to evaluate mussel cultivation in European offshore waters – an assessment for multi-use with the wind industry
CM 855: Strategic monitoring of cetacean occurrence in Scottish waters to facilitate the sustainable development of offshore wind at scale
CM 862: Identifying a portfolio of ecosystem indicators to inform management, mitigation and monitoring decisions relevant to the effects of offshore wind energy development on the California Current ecosystem
CM 904: Food-web structure at an old, deep oil platform in the North Sea: the future of offshore wind?
CM 911: Release Tidal Energy
CM 915: SeaShare: static fishing gear trials in the hywind scotland floating offshore wind farm
CM 940: Assessing the potential scale of change in habitat availability for benthic communities, resulting from the installation of monopile foundations for offshore wind projects located in the British Isles
CM 944: Effects of offshore wind farms on distribution and behaviour of fish with potential consequences for predation
CM 951: North Sea ReViFES – exploring natural offshore reefs in the North Sea: implications for restoration in offshore wind farms
CM 977: Dealing with maritime space and user conflicts in a new era of offshore wind: Insights from the second Nordic Climate Change Forum for Fisheries and Aquaculture
CM 983: First modelling explorations on the ecosystem impact of Mytilus edulis growth underneath Oceans of Energy offshore solar farms
CM 998: PELAGIO: Physics-to-ecosystem level assessment of impacts of offshore wind farms
CM 1010: Multi-use of offshore wind farms with low-trophic aquaculture can help achieve global sustainability goals
CM 1025: PREDICT: Predicting reasons for change in prey (fish) availability to top predators and implications for offshore wind development
CM 1035: Planning, prioritization, coordination, and research to inform protected species management for offshore wind development
CM 1047: First look at impacts of wind farm developments on coastal soundscapes of the Moray Firth
CM 1073: Co-locating marine renewable energy projects and fisheries on the island of Ireland: what role for marine spatial planning?
CM 1088: Predator-prey interactions at operating offshore windfarms
CM 1121: Assessing the environmental impact of offshore photovoltaic farm deployment in the southern North Sea
CM 1130: A Vulnerability Assessment of Marine Species to Offshore Wind Development in the Northeast U.S. Continental Shelf Ecosystem
CM 1132: Local food web enrichment after the construction of an offshore wind farm on sandy sediment
CM 1136: Lessons learned from long-term monitoring of soft-sediment communities within offshore wind farms
CM 1145: Engineering co-existence: co-design of floating offshore wind, longlining, and recreational fishing
CM 1152: Assessing the Acoustic Footprint of Wave Energy Converters: Underwater Noise Analysis and Implications for Marine Life in Portugal
CM 1153: Hear no evil? Auditory function of mid-Atlantic living marine resources in an era of anthropogenic effects
CM 1164: An ecosystem model for assessing potential impacts of offshore windfarm on Eastern English Channel ecosystem
CM 1176: Nature-inclusive design of offshore infrastructure: hold (y)our horses!?
CM 1179: Sampling challenges in offshore windfarms generate innovation in low risk, low cost and low carbon marine autonomous systems
CM 1181: Developing a suite of indicators to explore changes in EMF sensitive species in the Long Island Sound