International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Theme Session H – Future Integrated Ecosystem Assessment

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conference contribution
posted on 2024-01-25, 08:11 authored by ICESICES

Book of abstracts of theme session H:

Future Integrated Ecosystem Assessments

Conveners: Benjamin Planque (Norway), Paulina Ramírez-Monsalve (Norway), Carolyn Faithfull (Sweden)​

  • CM 32: Future steps to move fisheries management towards an ecosystem-based approach
  • CM 75: Using food web indicators to assess the impact of fisheries on marine ecosystems
  • CM 102: Effects of seasonality on the structure and functioning of a Mediterranean Sea ecosystem
  • CM 130: Integrated Assessment of the Canary Current large marine ecosystem with a focus on the Canary Islands and Senegal-Gambia-Guinea-Bissau subregions
  • CM 131: How and why do marine ecosystem indicators change with scale and what does it mean
  • CM 176: A systematic review of Management Strategy Evaluations in fisheries: In search of future challenges in a context of global change
  • CM 177: Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) for seas: towards a more strategic and environmentally-oriented marine spatial planning processes
  • CM 299: ICES IEA groups: what they are doing, why, how and for whom
  • CM 331: Bayesian meta-analysis model for assessing bioeconomic impacts of oil spills on fisheries
  • CM 338: A climate vulnerability assessment of the fish community in the Western Baltic Sea
  • CM 354: Towards end-to-end (E2E) models in Spanish fisheries: Phys2Fish and Demon projects
  • CM 363: The Central Arctic Ocean Integrated Ecosystem Assessment: Why, How and for Whom?
  • CM 370: Integrated ecosystem assessments (IEA) are hard; challenges of scale, focus, integration, interaction and managing complexity in the Celtic Sea/s
  • CM 450: Organizing Integrated Ecosystem Assessment in the Field of Ocean Governance
  • CM 490: Predator-prey interactions: modelling the multi-species functional response of grey and harbour seals in the North Sea
  • CM 498: Risks from cumulative human impacts on Ecologically and Biologically Significant Areas in Norwegian waters
  • CM 505: Exploring future trajectories of human activities, climate change, marine conservation and their interactions to inform cumulative effects assessments
  • CM 533: Spatiotemporal models improve Integrated Ecosystem Assessment indicators
  • CM 554: Parasite hazards in ICES fish stocks: a neglected source in Integrated Ecosystem Assessments
  • CM 607: Ecosystem modelling and integrated ecosystem assessment in the Gulf of Alaska
  • CM 614: What is the status of food webs in the Baltic Sea? – development of biodiversity indicators within HELCOM
  • CM 643: An index-based multi-criteria approach for assessing the coastal risk to litter pollution
  • CM 651: Integrated Ecosystem Assessment in a remote archipelago context



ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, Bilbao, Spain.


Theme Session H – Future Integrated Ecosystem Assessments

Recommended citation

ICES. 2023. Theme Session H – Future Integrated Ecosystem Assessments. ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, Bilbao, Spain.