Joining forces for the better assessment of highly migratory and other wide-ranging species
Conveners: Estibaliz Díaz (Spain), Patrick Lehodey (France), Patrícia Gonçalves (Portugal)
CM 42: HyDiaD model: a tool to explore the effect of climate change on diadromous species assemblage in Western Europe
CM 81: Using multivariate autoregressive state-space models to examine the stock structure of Greenland halibut in the North Atlantic
CM 90: Northeast Atlantic Mackerel; an Individual Based Model to aid spatial management
CM 96: Using spatially explicit individual-based models to support management of the European sea bass
CM 103: The importance of assessing the alternate life strategies of the European eel
CM 114: How we finally tracked European eels all the way to the Sargasso Sea
CM 118: Unveiling spatial structures in Maurolicus muelleri distribution in the Northeast Atlantic
CM 135: Evaluating stress and mortality during trap and transport in the European eel
CM 157: Identification of the migratory tactics of stocked European sturgeon (Acipenser sturio) using chemistry of hard structures and organs
CM 186: Adding fleet structure to assessments of highly migratory species can improve selectivity estimates: an example for eastern Atlantic Bluefin Tuna
CM 193: Improving the Assessment of the European Eel (Anguilla anguilla) in Sweden
CM 213: Pink salmon connect oceans and experts amidst rapid change
CM 217: The (in)complete diet of Northeast Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus) during its summer migration into Icelandic waters, using DNA barcoding and visual analysis
CM 220: Towards a range-wide assessment of European eel: recent steps undertaken at the regional scale in the Mediterranean within the GFCM European eel Research Programme, in view of a multiannual Regional management plan
CM 222: Two endangered ray species endemic to Europe, Leucoraja fullonica and L. circularis, biogeography, stock status, and prospects for management and conservation
CM 251: Getting a grip on eels: Towards a better assessment of a critically endangered species
CM 265: Spatial heterogeneity in recruitment trends of the European eel across Europe and influence of environmental factors
CM 297: Estimating eel density in Swedish inland waters using electrofishing data
CM 300: Food for models: knowledge on metapopulations functioning and marine habitat use of European shads (A. alosa and A. fallax) brought by a qualitative retrospective approach
CM 307: Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) three-dimensional distribution and its phenology across Atlantic ecoregions
CM 324: Strength in unity: three countries working together to assess the status of the European eel on a large scale
CM 345: Trends in Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) mixing proportions inferred from combined otolith chemistry and genetic data
CM 365: Seasonality or migration pattern behind "false” growth bands formed the fin spine of the Atlantic bluefin?
CM 376: Multinational project to study population structure of Greenland halibut, a highly migratory deep-sea flatfish, in the North Atlantic
CM 409: Assessing and forecasting recruitment of wide-ranging migratory fishes: the case of the European eel
CM 484: Fish movement driven by environmental gradients: a solution to modelling feeding and spawning migrations of blue whiting
CM 527: Collecting data to support sustainable Pollack (Pollachius pollachius) fisheries in the English Channel
CM 530: PREDICT: Investigating fine-scale oceanographic drivers of variation on pelagic fish migration routes in the North Sea
CM 576: Time-space documentation of the recovery / expansion of summer feeding habitat in the northeast Atlantic by bluefin tuna based on observations from multiple sources
CM 577: A hierarchical bayesian life cycle model for atlantic salmon stock assessment at the North Atlantic basin scale
CM 591: Genetic based methodologies to improve tuna fish stock assessment
CM 609: Relationships between fish size and otolith characteristics of four mesopelagic and one benthopelagic fish species in Icelandic waters (family Lotidae, Myctophidae and Paralepidae)
CM 661: How selective tidal transport of European eel larvae into the Mediterranean Sea could be used for future recruitment assessment