Theme Session M – Welfare conscious and sustainable fishing in the 21st century
Conveners: Mike Breen (Norway), Hans van de Vis (Netherlands), Sven Sebastian Uhlmann (Belgium)
CM 687: Responsible catch welfare begins in the fishing gear – can on gear videography guide best practice?
CM 689: Animal welfare in Norwegian Atlantic mackerel purse seine fisheries
CM 712: A new way of designing fisheries management to support SDG 14: Life Below Water
CM 803: Exploring fish welfare in commercial fisheries: insights from the Carefish-Catch project
CM 805: Altruism, Information, and the Value of Traceability in Seafood
CM 822: GAME OF TRAWLS: Toward Fully Automated Intelligent Fishing
CM 843: Environmental Assessment of Scallop Innovation Gear (EASIG)
CM 844: Assessment of welfare in artisanal longline fisheries operating off the Southern Portuguese coast
CM 857: The untold stories of a systems thinking approach to fish meal industries of Mangalore
CM 884: Condition and survival of juvenile Australasian snapper (Chrysophrys auratus) captured in trawls using the Modular Harvesting System versus mesh codends
CM 910: Behaviour & welfare of mackerel & herring during capture in purse seine
CM 923: Investigating the effects of pelagic trawling on the welfare of Atlantic herring
CM 967: Welfare assessment in purse seine fisheries off the southern Portuguese coast
CM 1028: Are reflexes a reliable welfare indicator?
CM 1040: Welfare outcomes in a catch and release fishery: a case study of Atlantic bluefin tuna in UK waters
CM 1043: Best-practice in Atlantic bluefin tuna recreational fisheries in the north-east Atlantic: experience from catch and release tagging programmes in northern Europe
CM 1076: Fish welfare research in pelagic freezer trawler fisheries
CM 1084: Assessing fish welfare in commercial fixed-net fisheries off the southern Portuguese coast
CM 1120: Catch welfare in a live-delivery fishery in Norway for haddock
CM 1122: Catch Welfare Platform - Developing Innovations in Catch Welfare in Commercial Fisheries
CM 1147: Welfare Assessment of Octopus in Pots and Traps Fishery off the Southern Portuguese Coast
CM 1151: Review and Welfare Assessment of wild-caught aquatic Species – the fair-fish Database
CM 1175: Smartrawl: improving fish welfare through in-situ release of unwanted animals from a demersal trawl
CM 1177: Keep what you catch – fishers stress damages of deck-loading in a scallop fleet
CM 1210: An initial welfare mapping of the Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) fishery and first approaches to the optimisation of stunning practices
CM 1221: Stunning and killing of captured plaice and turbot in one step