International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Theme Session N – ​The importance of operational oceanography in researching the changing ocean

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posted on 2024-11-28, 13:24 authored by ICESICES

Book of abstracts of theme session N:

The importance of operational oceanography in researching the changing ocean

Conveners: Francisco Campuzano (Portugal), Tomasz Dabrowski (Ireland), Tycjan Wodzinowski (Poland)

  • CM 691: 70 Years of Ocean Monitoring Reveal Strong Environmental Control on the Productivity of a Heavily Fished Ecosystem
  • CM 789: NAUI - delivering climatological and real-time oceanographic data in Galway Bay
  • CM 955: Using ocean models to understand pelagic connectivity of European sea bass
  • CM 996: A trip through time: influence of seabed sediment composition in Nephrops norvegicus (L.) density in North Galicia Functional Unit 25 (NW Spain) in the 1980s vs 2020s
  • CM 1005: EuskOOS operational oceanography platforms in support of scientific fisheries surveys
  • CM 1011: Understanding the impact of wind stress curl on blue whiting recruitment: insights from agent-based model simulations
  • CM 1013: Predicting mackerel distribution in the southeastern Bay of Biscay from environmental data
  • CM 1044: Assessing the impact of an offshore longline mussel farm on local circulation in a highly hydrodynamic energetic bay
  • CM 1052: Evaluating the validity of using sea surface temperature as a proxy for bottom temperature in habitat suitability modelling
  • CM 1134: Regional interconnectivity of Northeast Atlantic Mackerel eggs: a Lagrangian perspective
  • CM 1171: Operational water mass classification for the Northwest Atlantic continental shelf
  • CM 1172: Investigating shelf-fjord processes, tides and the linkage to productivity on the Faroe Shelf in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean with the FarCoast (ROMS) ocean model



ICES Annual Science Conference 2024, Gateshead, UK.


Theme Session N – The importance of operational oceanography in researching the changing ocean.

Recommended citation

ICES. 2024. Theme Session N – The importance of operational oceanography in researching the changing ocean. ICES Annual Science Conference 2024, Gateshead, UK.

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