The importance of operational oceanography in researching the changing ocean
Conveners: Francisco Campuzano (Portugal), Tomasz Dabrowski (Ireland), Tycjan Wodzinowski (Poland)
CM 691: 70 Years of Ocean Monitoring Reveal Strong Environmental Control on the Productivity of a Heavily Fished Ecosystem
CM 789: NAUI - delivering climatological and real-time oceanographic data in Galway Bay
CM 955: Using ocean models to understand pelagic connectivity of European sea bass
CM 996: A trip through time: influence of seabed sediment composition in Nephrops norvegicus (L.) density in North Galicia Functional Unit 25 (NW Spain) in the 1980s vs 2020s
CM 1005: EuskOOS operational oceanography platforms in support of scientific fisheries surveys
CM 1011: Understanding the impact of wind stress curl on blue whiting recruitment: insights from agent-based model simulations
CM 1013: Predicting mackerel distribution in the southeastern Bay of Biscay from environmental data
CM 1044: Assessing the impact of an offshore longline mussel farm on local circulation in a highly hydrodynamic energetic bay
CM 1052: Evaluating the validity of using sea surface temperature as a proxy for bottom temperature in habitat suitability modelling
CM 1134: Regional interconnectivity of Northeast Atlantic Mackerel eggs: a Lagrangian perspective
CM 1171: Operational water mass classification for the Northwest Atlantic continental shelf
CM 1172: Investigating shelf-fjord processes, tides and the linkage to productivity on the Faroe Shelf in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean with the FarCoast (ROMS) ocean model
Theme Session N – The importance of operational oceanography in researching the changing ocean.
Recommended citation
ICES. 2024. Theme Session N – The importance of operational oceanography in researching the changing ocean. ICES Annual Science Conference 2024, Gateshead, UK.