A region to be managed: the case of the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast under environmental and socio-economic stressors
Conveners: Arantza Murillas (Spain), María Gómez Ballesteros (Spain)
CM 148: Westward movement of anchovy landings in the Bay of Biscay: implications for the Spanish fishery
CM 159: Opportunistic species, myth or reality? Bottom trawling impact on species of low sensitivity in the Bay of Biscay
CM 161: Scale matters: assessing and quantifying variations in the functioning of marine food webs using a spatiotemporal approach
CM 179: Baseline fuel consumption and carbon footprint during the Bay of Biscay albacore season
CM 185: Evolution of demersal marine communities over a 25-year period in the North Bay of Biscay
CM 192: Assessing fishing and climate change impacts on the Bay of Biscay through a spatiotemporal ecosystem modeling approach
CM 238: Marine spatial planning to solve increasing conflicts in the Grande Vasière: a framework for prioritizing offshore windfarms and marine protected areas in a fisheries-dominated socio-ecosystem
CM 256: Measuring fishing pressures in the habitat: a universal method applied in the Bay of Biscay
CM 298: Operational patterns of small-scale fishing vessels from an energy efficiency perspective
CM 308: Extreme values of satellite chlorophyll-a and HABs in the Bay of Biscay between 2003 and 2021
CM 309: Integration of different types of indicators for assessing adverse effects on benthic habitats
CM 316: Distribution models to inform the management of marine ecosystems. A perspective from the Bay of Biscay
CM 368: Trophic heterogeneity: a new indicator to assess the health of Mediterranean marine food webs
CM 384: Research priorities of the deep-sea ecology in the Bay of Biscay
CM 386: A monitoring framework for Marine Protected Areas based on deep-learning images processing
CM 392: Use of distribution models to assess trawling impacts on Funiculina quadrangularis fields on the southern Bay of Biscay
CM 394: Dynamic harvest control rules based on recruitment levels to manage stocks of uncertain productivity: application to Iberian sardine
CM 439: Overcoming fish surveys limitations to model spatial-temporal distribution
CM 447: Assessing Bay of Biscay fisheries performance under the ecosystem-based fisheries management approach
CM 473: Evaluation of alternative HCRs for a short living stock using an MSE framework: the case of the anchovy in the Gulf of Cadiz
CM 476: Climate warming induces shifts in macroalgal communities in the south-eastern Bay of Biscay: an analysis of thermal traits and community trends
CM 502: Understanding the mechanisms behind the decline of anchovy size in the Bay of Biscay
CM 509: Identifying the drivers that influence the price of Anchovy in Basque Country
CM 518: Using biological traits for classifying benthic habitats sensitivity: helping policy decision makers in the future Aviles Canyon System SAC (Bay of Biscay)
CM 543: A multidisciplinary study of the Capbreton canyon system for its proposed integration into the Natura 2000 network
CM 553: Assesing the economic costs and ecological benefits of spatial protection measures: the case study of SCI Avilés Canyon System
CM 594: Exploring fauna behaviour using baited cameras in the pockmarks fields of Capbreton Canyon System (Bay of Biscay)
CM 656: Demersales survey (1983-2023), 40 years monitoring the demersal resources and ecosystems of the Bay of Biscay
Theme Session O – A region to be managed: the case of the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast under environmental and socio-economic stressors.
Recommended citation
[Abstract authors]. 2023. [Abstract title]. CM 2023 /O: [CM code]. In: Theme Session O – A region to be managed: the case of the Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast under environmental and socio-economic stressors. ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, Bilbao, Spain. https://doi.org/10.17895/ices.pub.24305368