International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
ASC Book of abstracts -Theme Session Q.pdf (465.1 kB)

Theme Session Q – Scientific advances under ICES Science Plan

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posted on 2024-01-25, 08:11 authored by ICESICES

Book of abstracts of theme session Q:

Scientific advances under ICES Science Plan

Conveners: Jos Schilder (The Netherlands), Steven Degraer (Belgium), Brian R. MacKenzie (Denmark)

  • CM 14: Utilizing the ICES library for data mining – examples from the ICES Science Impact and Publication Group
  • CM 35: Total mercury, methylmercury, and selenium concentrations in blue marlin Makaira nigricans from a long-term dataset in the western north Atlantic
  • CM 124: Interspecific synchrony among juvenile marine fishes and climate and environmental forcing in the Bay of Biscay
  • CM 127: Behavioral ecology informs fishing gear design: The case study of Black seabream baited structure
  • CM 218: Shore angling in the future Marine Park of the Algarve Reef – Pedra do Valado
  • CM 237: How are changes in the biological traits of a small pelagic fish species influencing its population dynamics through time?
  • CM 289: Forecasted habitat suitability as a predictor for future recruitment failure
  • CM 322: Marine Litter in the Algal Wrack along the South-East Baltic Sea Coastline
  • CM 348: Landing Obligation: effect on the discards of the Spanish bottom trawl fleet operating in North-western Iberian waters
  • CM 349: Disentangling global market drivers for cephalopods to foster transformations towards sustainable seafood systems
  • CM 401: FAR future marine ecology and its conservation implications
  • CM 419: Exploring the utility of species distribution modelling for sensitive fish species in the Celtic Seas ecoregion
  • CM 500: Assessment of mussel hatchery production as a tool for stock restoration
  • CM 501: Seed production in captivity for shell-food purposes: Larvae performance and spat settlement as key factors for mass production improvement
  • CM 506: Evaluation of mussel spat performance in longline rearing systems
  • CM 515: Assessing spawning behavior at the northern latitudinal extreme of a commercially exploited demersal flatfish
  • CM 526: The challenges and opportunities for ICES in providing ecosystem advice in the deep sea
  • CM 587: Size-specific models of fish distribution: improved accuracy and new ecological insights
  • CM 649: Phenological changes in neritic and brackish zooplankton of southeastern Bay of Biscay coastal waters in the last two decades
  • CM 652: A comparison of acoustic, catch and video data to investigate and monitor grenadier abundance in the Ross Sea



ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, Bilbao, Spain.


Theme Session Q - Scientific advances under ICES Science Plan.

Recommended citation

[Abstract authors]. 2023. [Abstract title]. CM 2023 /Q: [CM code]. In: Theme Session Q – Scientific advances under ICES Science Plan. ICES Annual Science Conference 2023, Bilbao, Spain.