Conveners: Jose Rodríguez-Gutiérrez (Spain), Nuno Sales (Portugal), Anna Mujal-Colilles (Spain)
CM 690: Geospatial data as a powerful tool for detecting the decline in small scale fisheries: the case of Callista chione in the Alboran Sea
CM 767: Relying on geospatial data: a revolution for small-scale fisheries management
CM 774: Integrated system to improve inference of fishing activity from geospatial data
CM 810: Detecting mooring sites used for SSF
CM 885: Spatio-temporal patterns of fishing effort in the octopus (Octopus hubbsorum) diving fishery of Jalisco, México
CM 888: MPA implementations and fishing effort displacement in New Zealand’s Hauraki Gulf
CM 916: Striped Venus clam (Chamelea gallina) small-scale fisheries management in the northern Alborán Sea using geospatial data
CM 928: Prevalence of anisakids in small pelagic fish caught by artisanal purse-seine fleet in The Canary Islands (Central-East Atlantic)
CM 943: Spatio-temporal dynamics of small-scale fisheries using high resolution tracking data: a case study of the bivalve dredges in Portugal
CM 961: From data to static gears benthic habitat impact analysis: effects of precision, accuracy, quality, extent, frequency in the assessment
CM 970: Seismicity influence in the catches of small pelagic fish: exploratory study in the artisanal fishery of La Palma Island (Central-East Atlantic)
CM 997: Predicting Fishing Grounds with AIS Data from Small-Scale Fisheries
CM 1037: Characterising small-scale fishing activity with iVMS
CM 1042: Why are fishers catching manta and devil rays in small-scale fisheries of India?
CM 1061: Fisher behaviour is a critical attribute for the evaluation of longline fisheries in the Ionian Sea
CM 1077: A new baseline for Irish small-scale fisheries: building a comprehensive profile
CM 1079: Automatic analysis of vessel trajectories for sustainable small-scale fisheries
CM 1097: Spatial assessment of a novel source of information (market ovaries) in the hake artisanal fishery
CM 1104: Assessing the impact of small-scale fisheries on benthic broad habitat types in Mediterranean marine protected area
CM 1158: Inferring fishing gears from highly resolved geopositional data in Basque multi-specific fisheries
CM 1184: Electronic Monitoring of the Washington Dungeness Crab Fishing Fleet