ICES historical landings dataset, 1903–1949
Fishery statistics for the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) area were published from 1904 to 1989 under the title "Bulletin Statistique des Pêches Maritimes". The series was renamed "ICES Fisheries Statistics' and continued until 2001.
This dataset contains figures per country, year, species and area for 1903–1949, extracted from that "Bulletin Statistique des Pêches Maritimes". Overviews on the mapping of species, ICES areas and country codes are also included. Comments attached to individual values from the original files per country can be found under "country_notes".
The data represent the nominal commercial catch (live weight equivalent of landings, discards excluded) of finfish, invertebrates, and seaweeds. These catch data cover the ICES Area (Northeast Atlantic, FAO Area 27). The data are expressed in the live weight equivalent of landings. The reporting units are metric tonnes. Discarded catch and other quantities not landed are not included in the data. Whilst the data have been extensively checked by the supplying countries and ICES, data presented in the dataset are not corrected for non-reported landings where such may have occurred.
Catch statistics from 1950 onward for EU countries, Norway, and Iceland can be accessed through Eurostat:
European Union Basin-scale Analysis, Synthesis and Integration (EURO-BASIN)
European Commission
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