ICES has received a request from NEACF to evaluate a proposal for the harvest con-trol component of a long-term management plan for Rockall haddock and in particu-lar to consider whether the plan is consistent with the precautionary approach (see Annex 1).
Two different management strategy evaluation (MSE) analyses were conducted to investigate the properties of the proposed HCRs (Needle and Mosqueira, 2011; Khlivnoy, 2011). The analysis conducted by Needle and Mosqueira (2011) is pre-sented in Annex 2 and the evaluation presented by Khlivnoy (2011) in Annex3. Addi-tional information provided during the RG/ADGHADDOK is presented in Annex 4
These evaluations have been subject to a peer review, the review report is available as Annex 5.
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