ICES advises that, in line with the management objectives agreed by NASCO and consistent with the MSY approach, there are
no mixed-stock fishery options at West Greenland for the fishing years 2018 to 2020.
Management advice for West Greenland is based on non-maturing 1SW salmon from North America and Southern NEAC. In
the absence of any fishing in the period 2018 to 2020, there is less than 75% probability that the numbers of 2SW salmon
returns will be above the management objectives simultaneously for the six regions of North America and for the MSW stock
of Southern NEAC.
The Framework of Indicators (FWI) was updated in support of the multi-year catch advice and the potential approval of multiyear regulatory measures. The FWI can be applied at the beginning of 2019, with the returns or return rate data for 2018, to
evaluate the appropriateness of the advice for 2019, and again at the beginning of 2020, with the returns or return rate data
for 2019, to evaluate the appropriateness of the advice for 2020