Atlantic salmon at West Greenland
ICES advises that, in line with the management objectives agreed by the North Atlantic Salmon Organization (NASCO) and consistent with the MSY approach, the catch at West Greenland in 2021, 2022, and 2023 should be zero.
Mixed-stock fisheries present particular threats and should be managed based on the individual status of all stocks exploited in the fishery.
The Framework of Indicators (FWI) was updated in support of the multiyear catch advice and the potential approval of multiyear regulatory measures. The FWI can be applied at the beginning of 2022, using the returns or return rate data for 2021 to evaluate the appropriateness of the advice for 2022, and again at the beginning of 2023, using with the returns or return rate data for 2022 to evaluate the appropriateness of the advice for 2023.
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