International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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Ballast Water: Ecological and Fisheries Implications

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The first international scientific meeting addressing the role of ballast water and sediment discharge in the introduction of non-native (exotic, non-indigenous) species was convened on September 21, 1995 at the Annual Science Conference of ICES (83rd Statutory Meeting), in Aalborg, Denmark. The Session was cosponsored by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and the International Oceanographic Commission (IOC). Seventeen papers and posters representing eight countries and the IMO were presented.

• G. M Ruiz, L. D. Smith, A. H. Hines, J. T. Carlton, and D. Wayne: Ballast water and non-indigenous species in US coastal waters.  
• D. Minchin, and J. Sheehan: The significance of ballast water in the introduction of exotic marine organisms to Cork Harbour, Ireland.
• E. M. MacDonald: Dinoflagellate resting cysts and ballast water discharges in Scottish Ports.
• Laing: Ballast water discharge into coastal waters of England and Wales.
• N. C. Eno: Non-native marine species in British waters: ballast water introductions.
• S. Gollasch, M. Dammer, J. Lenz, and H. G. Andres: Non-indigenous organisms introduced via ships into German waters.
• B. Hayden: A New Zealand perspective on ballast water.
• G. M. Hallegraeff: Transport of toxic dinoflagellates via ships' ballast water: an interim review.
• R. E. Thresher and R. B. Martin: Reducing the impact of ship-borne marine introductions: focal objectives and development of Australia's new centre for research on introduced marine pests
• D. Gauthier and D. A. Steel: A synopsis of the Canadian situation regarding ship-transported ballast water
• H. Rosenthal: Ballast water and mariculture in coastal areas: growing concerns about potential conflicts
• G. Rigby and A. Taylor: Ballast water: its impacts can be managed.
• M. K. Nanke: Provisions for the control and management of ballast water to minimize the transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens.
• R. M. Gaudiosi and L. V. Kabler: Ballast water management - an integrated approach.
• H. Gollamudi and A. Randall: Policy incentives to prevent introduction of non-indigenous species via shipping.
• K. Hayes: Ecological risk assessment for ballast water introductions.



ICES Cooperative Research Reports (CRR)







Recommended citation

ICES. 1998. Ballast Water: Ecological and Fisheries Implications. Edited by James T. Carlton. ICES Cooperative Research Report, Vol. 224. 150 pp.

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