International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo) in the Northeast Atlantic: Subareas I, II, IV, VI, VII,VIII,X, and XIV,and Divisions IIIa, Va,Vb, IXa,and XIIb

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Version 2 2022-07-18, 11:39
Version 1 2022-03-09, 12:06
posted on 2022-07-18, 11:39 authored by ICESICES

ICES  advises  on  the  basis  of  the  approach to data-limited  stocks  that there  should  be annual catches of no  more than 2802 t in Subareas  VI,  VII,  and  Divisions  Vb,  IXIIb, annual catches of no  more  than 2726t in Subarea  VIII  and Division  IXa;  and annual catches of no  more  than 366  t  in  the  adjacent  areas (Subareas  I,  II,  IV,  X,and XIV,  and Divisions IIIa and Va).


Published under the auspices of the following ICES Steering Group or Committee

  • ACOM

Period covered by advice



ICES Advice: Recurrent advice

Recommended citation

ICES. 2014. Black scabbardfish (Aphanopus carbo) in the Northeast Atlantic: Subareas I, II, IV, VI, VII,VIII,X, and XIV,and Divisions IIIa, Va,Vb, IXa,and XIIb. ICES Advice 2014, 9.3.4.