EC request - Evaluation of a modified harvest control rule for managing the stock of western horse mackerel (Divisions IIa, IVa, Vb, VIa, VIIa–c,e–k, and VIIIa–e)
ICES advises that incorporating a range of values in the constant factor for the final percentage change (currently 1.07) specified in the harvest control rule (HCR), or a combination of a range of values for this factor and the fixed total removal component (currently 75 000 t) of the HCR, is feasible. ICES cannot unequivocally conclude that the original or modified HCR is consistent with the precautionary approach in the long term and further advises that it should be subjected to a complete review; ICES notes that the values and ranges of the parameters given here are likely to change as a result of such a review.
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Steering Group or Committee