International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

EU request for a technical service to review the knowledge base and analytical frameworks required to map where VMEs are known or likely to occur as well as fishing activity of deep-sea fish in all EU outermost regions

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posted on 2024-07-05, 09:58 authored by ICESICES

This technical service (review) has been carried out as part of a stepwise deliverable towards a special request from the EU (DGMARE) that aims to advise on a list of areas where VMEs are known or are likely to occur as well as on the existing deep-sea fishing areas (ref. [EU] 2016/2336) in EU waters of the outermost regions subject to the deep-sea access regulation (Regulation [EU] 2016/2336). See agreed and original text below.

ICES conducted a technical service to review the knowledge base and analytical frameworks required to map where VMEs are known or likely to occur, as well as fishing activity of deep-sea fish in all EU outermost regions. This was done in the form of a workshop (Workshop on the Occurrence of VMEs [Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems] and Fishing Activities in EU waters of the Outermost Regions; WKOUTVME) that reviewed and reported on the knowledge base in each region, available methods used in a range of situations and locations to apply FAO guidance for the identification of VMEs, and analytical frameworks and their applicability in each region (French Guiana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, Reunion Island and Saint-Martin [France], Azores and Madeira [Portugal], and the Canary Islands [Spain]).

The review is available in the ICES library:


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ICES Advice: Technical services

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ICES. 2024. EU request for a technical service to review the knowledge base and analytical frameworks required to map where VMEs are known or likely to occur as well as fishing activity of deep-sea fish in all EU outermost regions. In Report of the ICES Advisory Committee, 2024. ICES Advice 2024, sr.2024.10.