EU request for advice on developing appropriate lists for Descriptor 3 (commercially exploited fish and shellfish) reporting by EU Member States under MSFD Article 17 in 2024
ICES developed regional lists of commercially relevant taxa for each MSFD (sub)region, presented in Annex 1. The lists are based on landing weights and values aggregated from FDI landings data 2015–2020 from EU Member States and include UK landing statistics.
ICES advises that EU Member States report for Descriptor 3 (D3) on all taxa provided in Annex 1 for their MSFD (sub)regions to support regional coherence within MSFD (sub)regions. ICES notes that reporting does not necessarly require an assessment of GES.
The total number of landed taxa within each MSFD (sub)region should be taken into account when setting regional thresholds for the selection of relevant D3 taxa (Table 1)
The regional lists presented here include the relevant widely distributed species for the MSFD (sub)regions; no further criterion is required for this species group.
The D3 taxa lists should be updated for each MSFD assessment cycle.
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Steering Group or Committee
ICES Advice: Special requestsRequested by
EURecommended citation
ICES. 2022. EU request for advice on developing appropriate lists for Descriptor 3 (commercially exploited fish and shellfish) reporting by EU Member States under MSFD Article 17 in 2024. In Report of the ICES Advisory Committee, 2022. ICES Advice 2022, sr.2022.15, metrics
- Pressures, impacts, conservation, and management
- Adriatic Sea (ICES adjacent region)
- Aegean-Levantine Sea (ICES adjacent region)
- Baltic Sea (ICES Ecoregion)
- Bay of Biscay and the Iberian Coast (ICES Ecoregion)
- Black Sea (ICES adjacent region)
- Celtic Seas (ICES Ecoregion)
- Greater North Sea (ICES Ecoregion)
- Ionian Sea and the Central Mediterranean Sea (ICES adjacent region)
- Mediterranean and Black Sea (FAO area 37)