EU request on Identification of EU-only and Baltic Sea stocks eligible for a multiannual advice
ICES has evaluated each of the requested stocks in relation to the ICES multiannual advice criteria. Multiannual advice implies less frequent assessment, though advice continues to be given for every year or fishing season as required by managers.
Two stocks with annual advice have had zero‑catch advice for three years or more and could be candidates for multiannual advice. Seven other stocks with annual advice either meet or partially meet the second set of criteria for less frequent assessment. For these stocks biennial advice could be considered, potentially with intermediate year checks to ensure validity of advice. Ten Category 1 stocks with annual advice do not meet the criteria for multiannual advice.
Nine Category 3–6 stocks currently have multiannual advice, which remains appropriate. Of the three Category 3–6 stocks with annual advice, one could be a candidate for multiannual advice given that for five consecutive years advice has been for zero catch. The anchovy, which is short-lived, should continue with annual advice.
The criteria for multiannual advice are not considered directly applicable to salmon stocks. Given this, and additional complexities in the advice for salmon, annual advice is still considered relevant for these stocks.
Norway lobster in the Skagerrak and Kattegat (nep.fu.3-4) was included in the list of requested stocks. Since this is not an EU-only stock, it is excluded from this technical service.
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