This Atlas has been devised and edited by W. C. Hodgson, D.Sc., of the Fisheries Laboratory, Lowestoft, in collaboration with the experts from the countries concerned with Herring Fisheries. The preparation of the basic charts (which are British Crown Copyright), and the printing of the complete Atlas have been done by the Hydrographic Department of the Admiralty, London, for the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea, on whose authority the Atlas is published. The Atlas is designed to show, in twelve monthly charts, the average distribution of the main herring concentrations in the N.E. Atlantic area, and at the same time, to indicate the condition of the herrings in the various fisheries. The names of the ports at which herrings are landed are underlined in red, and the marginal notes are intended to give additional detailed information. It should be remembered that Herring Fisheries are liable to fluctuate from time to time, therefore there is no guarantee that fisheries will appear exactly according to the Atlas from month to month, but the general average picture which has been given should be of definite use to those people who are interested in the Herring, either from a commercial, or from a biological point of view.
Contributors (Editors)
W. C. Hodgson
Recommended citation
ICES. 1951. Fisheries of the north-east Atlantic: Herring atlas. Fishing grounds, landing ports and quality. Miscellaneous. 14 pp.