International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Greater North Sea Ecoregion - Fisheries Overview

Version 2 2024-12-06, 08:36
Version 1 2024-12-05, 12:13
posted on 2024-12-06, 08:36 authored by ICESICES

Key signals

  • Vessel numbers have declined across the majority of the countries fishing in the ecoregion in the past decade.
  • Total landings fluctuated around about 2 million tonnes from 2005 to 2019. Since 2020 there has been a further decline in landings to around 1.6 million tonnes.
  • Discard rates of benthic and crustacean stocks have declined in recent years, while discards of demersal stocks have increased.
  • Fishing mortalities have generally declined since 2000 and are below the FMSY level for three-quarters of the assessed stocks. However, some stocks continue to be fished above FMSY, particularly in the demersal group.
  • Spawning-stock biomass (SSB) has generally been stable or increasing since 2000, although some stocks remain below MSY Btrigger, particularly in the demersal group.
  • In relation to mixed fisheries:

o In general, only one or two métiers dominate the share of landings for individual stocks, however, smaller proportions of stock landings are often taken by a large number of other métiers.

o Fleet landings compositions have remained relatively stable since 2015, however, gradual trends in the dominance of target stocks are seen for some fleets.

o Annual mixed fisheries forecasts most often indicate that the majority of fleets will be choked by North Sea/Northern Shelf cod.

  • Fisheries impacts on benthic habitats have been declining on average since 2019. However, this decrease is not universal across all habitats, with offshore mud and coarse sediments showing a less consistent decline.

Supporting data used in the Greater North Sea fisheries overview is accessible at:



ICES Advice: Fisheries overviews

Recommended citation

ICES. 2024. Greater North Sea ecoregion – fisheries overview In Report of the ICES Advisory Committee, 2024. ICES Advice 2024, section 9.2.