Vessel numbers have declined across the majority of the countries fishing in the ecoregion in the past decade.
Total landings fluctuated around about 2 million tonnes from 2005 to 2019. Since 2020 there has been a further decline in landings to around 1.6 million tonnes.
Discard rates of benthic and crustacean stocks have declined in recent years, while discards of demersal stocks have increased.
Fishing mortalities have generally declined since 2000 and are below the FMSY level for three-quarters of the assessed stocks. However, some stocks continue to be fished above FMSY, particularly in the demersal group.
Spawning-stock biomass (SSB) has generally been stable or increasing since 2000, although some stocks remain below MSY Btrigger, particularly in the demersal group.
In relation to mixed fisheries:
o In general, only one or two métiers dominate the share of landings for individual stocks, however, smaller proportions of stock landings are often taken by a large number of other métiers.
o Fleet landings compositions have remained relatively stable since 2015, however, gradual trends in the dominance of target stocks are seen for some fleets.
o Annual mixed fisheries forecasts most often indicate that the majority of fleets will be choked by North Sea/Northern Shelf cod.
Fisheries impacts on benthic habitats have been declining on average since 2019. However, this decrease is not universal across all habitats, with offshore mud and coarse sediments showing a less consistent decline.