International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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Greenland halibut in Subareas I and II

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posted on 2023-03-08, 09:47 authored by ICESICES

The 2009 data (landings, survey and cpue) available for this stock do not change the perception of the stock and give no reason to change the advice from that given in 2009.
The advice for the fishery in 2011 is the same as the advice given in 2009 for the 2010 fishery: “The stock has remained at a relatively low size in the last 25 years at catch levels of 15 000–25 000 t. In order to increase the SSB, catches should be kept well below that range. Catches should be below 13 000 t as advised since 2003; this is the level below which SSB has increased in the past”.
Additionally, ICES notes that the evaluation of this stock is uncertain due to age-reading problems and lack of contrast in the data. The age-reading issue is being addressed and should be resolved in the not too distant future. Corrections to the whole time-series are required.
The 38th Session of the Joint Norwegian-Russian Fisheries Commission in 2009 decided to cancel the ban against targeted Greenland halibut fishery and established a TAC at 15 000 t for next three years (2010-2012). The TAC was allocated between Norway, Russia and other countries with shares of 51, 45 and 4% respectively.


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