Herring spawning grounds in the North Sea, Surveys of herring larvae in the North Sea and adjacent waters, 1974/75
At the 62nd Statutory Meeting of ICES the following resolution was passed (C.Res.1974/4:23): "It was decided, that: (i) in the light of:
(a) the recent expansion of the marine aggregate industry and the shift of extraction activities to deeper water; and
(b) the need to protect herring spawning grounds, member countries of ICES should take immediate steps to delineate the herring spawning grounds;
(ii) the Working Group on North Sea Herring Larval Surveys should assist in this by:
(a) making available data collected to date on the distribution of yolk-sac larvae; and
(b) by collecting and summarising all available information on delineation of spawning grounds;
(iii) for this purpose the Group should meet, if necessary".
After discussion of this resolution with various members of the Working Group it was decided that a meeting was unnecessary for this purpose but that it could be most efficiently met by correspondence between the authors and the preparation of a joint paper utilising all the relevant data available in their laboratories and in the literature.
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