WGNAS met to consider questions posed to ICES by the North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organisation (NASCO).
The terms of reference were addressed by reviewing working documents prepared prior to the meeting as well as development of analyses, documents and text during the meeting.
The report is presented in five sections, structured to the terms of reference. Sections include:
- Introduction;
- Catches and farming;
- The status of stocks in the Northeast Atlantic Commission area;
- The status of stocks in the North American Commission area;
- The status of stocks in the West Greenland Commission area.
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Steering Group or Committee
Published under the auspices of the following ICES Expert Group or Strategic Initiative
ICES Scientific Reports
Contributors (Editors)
Martha Robertson
Contributors (Authors)
Julien April; Hlynur Bardarson; Geir H. Bolstad; Ian Bradbury; Mathieu Buoro; Karin Camara; Gérald Chaput; Anne Cooper; Guillaume Dauphin; Dennis Ensing; Jaakko Erkinaro; Peder Fiske; Marko Freese; Jonathan Gillson; Stephen Gregory; Niels Jepsen; Douglas Jones; Nick Kelly; Henrik Kjems-Nielsen; Hugo Maxwell; David Meerburg; Michael Millane; Rasmus Nygaard; James Ounsley; Sergey Prusov; Dustin Raab; Jeff Reader; Etienne Rivot; Martha Robertson; Tim Sheehan; Kjell Rong Utne; Alan Walker; Vidar Wennevik
Recommended citation
ICES. 2020. Working Group on North Atlantic Salmon (WGNAS). ICES Scientific Reports. 2:21. 358 pp. http://doi.org/10.17895/ices.pub.5973