ICES/GLOBEC Sea-going Workshop for Intercalibration of Plankton Samplers (A compilation of data, metadata and visual material): report
A Sea-going Workshop for intercomparison and evaluation of methods for sampling and determination of zooplankton in terms of biomass and species composition was held in a fjord environment (Storfjorden at Møre, western Norway) from 2 to 13 June 1993. The workshop was carried out with the German Research Vessel “A.v. Humboldt” (Chief Scientist Lutz Postel) and the Norwegian Research Vessel “Johan Hjort” (Chief Scientist Hein Rune Skjoldal) and involved a total number of 38 scientific personnel from eight countries. The Workshop had two objectives. The first was to assemble a number of instruments to collect zooplankton data and to conduct a series of field experiments that would enable an intercomparison of their results (Table 1). The intercomparisons included gear such as MOCNESS, BIONESS, MULTINET, LHPR, OPC, CPR, WP-2 net (Figure 1), and acoustical recordings at four frequencies (18, 38, 120, 200 kHz).
The associated data and media files, originally published within this report in CD-ROM format, are available here: ICES/GLOBEC Sea-going Workshop for Intercalibration of Plankton Samplers (A compilation of data, metadata and visual material): associated files