International Council for the Exploration of the Sea
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ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2018

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posted on 2023-07-17, 16:08 authored by Cesar Gonzalez-Pola, Karin M. H. Larsen, Paula Fratantoni, Agnieska Beszczynska-Möller

Long time-series on ocean properties are rare for the sur­face ocean and even more uncommon for the deep ocean. The North Atlantic region is unique in having a relatively large number of locations where oceanographic data have been collected repeatedly for multiple years or decades; the longest records extend back more than a century. The IROC combines decades of ocean observations across the North Atlantic ICES region to describe the current status of sea temperature and salinity, and atmospheric conditions, as well as observed trends and recent vari­ability. The IROC production focuses the main efforts from ICES WGOH (González-Pola 2019) Section 1 synthesizes information from the longest time-series into an overview of changes across the ICES Area. 


Published under the auspices of the following ICES Steering Group or Committee


Published under the auspices of the following ICES Expert Group or Strategic Initiative



ICES Cooperative Research Reports (CRR)



Contributors (Editors)

Gonzalez-Pola; C.; Larsen; K. M. H. ; Fratantoni; P.; Beszczynska-Möller; A.

Contributors (Authors)

Wilken-Jon von Appen; Barbara Berx; Agnieszka Beszczyn¬ska-Möller; Gereon Budeus; Léon Chafik; Hjálmar Hátún; Boris Cisewski; Eugene Colbourne; Caroline Cusack; Frédéric Cyr; Damien Des¬bruyères; Stephen Dye; Almudena Fontán; Paula Fratantoni; César González-Pola; David Hebert; Jenny Hindson; N. Penny Holliday; Randi Ingvaldsen; Sam Jones; M. Femke de Jong; Holger Klein; Nicolas Kolodziejczyk; Karin Margretha H. Larsen; Peter Loewe; Kieran Lyons; Manuela Köllner; John Mortensen; Kjell-Arne Mork; Roger Pettipas; Gilles Reverdin; Ricardo Sánchez-Leal; Achim Schulz; Tim Smyth; Alexander Trofimov; Héðinn Valdimarsson; Victor Valencia; Pedro Vélez-Belchí; Karin Wesslander; Tycjan Wodzinowski; Igor Yashayaev; Svein Østerhus





Recommended citation

Gonzalez-Pola; C.; Larsen; K. M. H. ; Fratantoni; P.; Beszczynska-Möller; A. (Ed.). 2019. ICES Report on Ocean Climate 2018 . ICES Cooperative Research Report, Vol. 349. [##] pp.