International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

ICES Symposia Report 2012

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posted on 2023-03-02, 08:14 authored by ICESICES

Report on ICES sponsored symposia held in 2012:

  • Second ICES/PICES Conference for Early Career Scientists: Oceans of Change; held 23–27 April 2012, in Mallorca, Spain.
  • World Council of Fisheries Societies 6th World Fisheries Congress (WFC); held 7–11 May 2012, in Edinburgh, UK.
  • Symposium on "Research and ecosystem-based management strategies supporting the implementation of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive" (Marine Strategy 2012); held 14–16 May 2012, in Copenhagen, Denmark.
  • Second International Symposium on Effects of Climate Change on the World’s Oceans; held 15–20 May 2012, in Yeosu, Korea.
  • ICES-PICES Symposium on Forage Fish Interactions: Creating the Tools for Ecosystem-based Management of Marine Resources; held 12–14 November 2012, in Nantes, France.



ICES sponsored symposia reports

Contributors (Conveners)

Adi Kellermann; Skip McKinnell; Michel Kaiser; Jesper Andersen; Bo Riemann; Luis Valdes; Kim Suam; Sarah Hughes; Stefan Neuenfeldt; Myron Peck; Vladimir Radchenko

Recommended citation

ICES. 2012. ICES Symposia Report 2012. ICES CM 2012/GEN:01. 18 pp.