The Second Fishery Dependent Information (FDI) Symposium; held 3–6 March 2014, in Rome, Italy.
ICES/PICES Symposium on "Ecological basis of risk analysis for marine ecosystems"; held 2–4 June 2014, in Porvoo, Finland.
Symposium on “Effects of fishing on benthic fauna and habitat: Change in ecosystem composition and functioning in response to fishing intensity, gear type and discard”; held 17–19 June 2014, in Tromsø, Norway.
International Eel Symposium 2014: Are the eels climbing back up the slippery slope?; held 17–21 August 2014, in Quebec City, Canada.
Johan Hjort Symposium on Recruitment Dynamics and Stock Variability; held 7–9 October 2014, in Bergen, Norway.
The Fifth International Otolith Symposium 2014; held 20–24 October 2014, in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
PICES Meeting 2014 BIO/MEQ Topic Session (S3) "Tipping points: defining reference points for ecological indicators of multiple stressors in coastal and marine ecosystems"; held 21 October 2014, in Yeosu, Korea.
PICES Meeting 2014 BIO/MEQ Topic Session (S8) "Marine debris in the Ocean: Sources, transport, fate and effects of marine Litter"; held 23 October 2014, in Yeosu, Korea.
PICES Meeting 2014 FIS Topic Session (S5) "Ecosystem considerations in fishery management of cod and other im-portant demersal species"; held 22–23 October 2014, in Yeosu, Korea.
PICES Meeting 2014 POC/MONITOR Topic Session (S9) "Variability in advection and its biological consequences for Subarctic and Arctic ecosystems"; held 23 October 2014, Yeosu, Korea.
ICES sponsored symposia reports
Contributors (Conveners)
Norman Graham; Gabriella Bianchi; Kwame Koranteng; William Karp; Kimberly Murray; Hendrik Doerner; Jann Martinsohn; Aasmund Bjordal; Marco Frederiksen; Steve Kennelly; Martin Pastoors; Sakari Kuikka; Tony Smith; Alexei Orlov; Lene Buhl-Mortensen; Carsten Hvingel; Børge Holte; Francis Neat; Mariano Koen-Alonso; Martin Castonguay; John Casselman; Willem Dekker; Richard D.M. Nash; Olav Sigurd Kjesbu; C. Tara Marshall; Svein Sundby; Harald Loeng; Howard Browman; Beatrice Morales-Nin; Audrey Geffen; Rebecca G. Martone; Ian Perry; Jameal Samhouri; Motomitsu Takahashi; Maciej T. Tomczak; Chang Ik Zhang; Gordon H. Kruse; Sukgeun Jung; Alexei Orlov; Xianshi Jin; Jacquelynne King; Kenneth Drinkwater; Franz Mueter; Enrique Curchitser; Sen Tok Kim; Hiroshi Kuroda; Sei-Ichi Saitoh
Recommended citation
ICES. 2014. ICES Symposia Report 2014. ICES CM 2014/GEN:01. 30 pp.