ICES Working Group in grey seals. Report of the first meeting, 16-20 May 1977 Cambridge, UK
Damage to fisheries by the Grey seal, Halichoerus grypus, has been a serious problem in the UK and Canada for a number of years. The recent local increases in the abundance of the Grey seal in Norway, with an apparently related increase in fishery damage is seen as a problem which could become widespread if not checked in the near future. In order to give greater consideration to the problems associated with increases in stock size, an ICES Working Group was set up (C Res. 1976/2:15) to " .... review the current status and trends in stock sizes, methodological problems of censusing and facto:rs responsible for the present expansion of the species. Data on the effects on fish resources, including codworm and gear damage, should be collected and their economic implications considered. The ultimate aim of the Working Group should be to find feasible solutions to this complex problem.... ". The Working Group (see Annex 1) met in Cambridge, UK, from 16-20 May 1977, and the agenda of that meeting is appended as Annex 2.