Lesser-spotted dogfish (Scyliorhinus canicula) in Divisions 8.a-b and 8.d
ICES currently consider 4 stock units for this species: (i) North Sea ecoregion (Subarea 4 and Divisions 3.a and 7.d), (ii) Celtic Seas and west of Scotland (Subarea 6 and Divisions 7.a–c and 7.e–j), (iii) northern Bay of Biscay (Divisions 8.a–b and 8.d), and (iv) Atlantic Iberian waters (Divisions 8.c and 9.a).
Lesser-spotted dogfish (or small-spotted catshark) Scyliorhinus canicula, greater-spotted dogfish Scyliorhinus stellaris, black-mouth dogfish (or black-mouth catshark) Galeus melastomus and Atlantic catshark Galeus atlanticus have been referred to as catsharks, dogfishes and other names including hounds. Names recognised by FAO may not be suitable to minimise confusions with Scyliorhinus canicula being referred to as small-spotted catshark and S. stellaris as nursehound.
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