International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

Management and research strategics in Kuwait's trawl fishery

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posted on 2025-01-29, 16:31 authored by C. P. Matthews, M. Samuel

Multispecies dynamic pool modelling was carried out on Kuwait’s trawl fishery targeted on penaeid shrimp. Dynamic pool models were applied to seven fish species (based on samples of up to 7500 fish per species per year and up to 12 monthly samples per year). The species included in the study account for 40% of the fish catch by volume (mostly discarded at sea), the remaining 60% of the catch consisting of about 20 much less abundant species. Results of dynamic pool modelling of shrimp were also available. Surplus production modelling was carried out using catch and effort data from twenty finfish stocks and from shrimp stocks. Dynamic pool and surplus production modelling of finfish showed general agreement: for most finfish stocks MSY occurred at levels of 10000-12000 days' fishing per year, which was the level in 1986-1987. For shrimp, both types of assessment suggested that MSY was achieved earlier, in 1982-1983, and at effort levels of —6000 days per year. A simple bioeconomic model showed that the optimization of total value of trawl catches occurred at intermediate levels between those needed to harvest shrimp and finfish. Maximum net profit was obtained at a much lower effort level than needed to maximize total value landed.

Article from Marine Science Symposia Vol. 193 " Multispecies models relevant to management of living resources". Symposium held in The Hague, 2-4 October 1989. To access the remaining articles please click on the keyword "MSS Volume 193".



ICES Marine Science Symposia





Recommended citation

Mathews, C. P., and Samuel, M. 1991. Management and research strategies in Kuwait’s trawl fishery. ICES Marine Science Symposia, 193: 330-340.

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    ICES MSS Vol.193 - Multispecies models relevant to management of living resources


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