International Council for the Exploration of the Sea

OSPAR request on development of a common monitoring protocol for plastic particles in fish stomachs and selected shellfish on the basis of existing fish disease surveys

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posted on 2022-06-03, 12:09 authored by ICESICES

ICES provides a preliminary protocol for monitoring of plastics in fish stomachs in the OSPAR maritime area. There has been no such monitoring of plastics previously, so it is recommended that, if adopted, this protocol is reviewed at regular intervals and  improved  on  the  basis  of  experience.  Integration  with  fish  disease  and  fish  stock  surveys  will  be  cost-effective,  and  the  possibility of using samples from commercial vessels should be explored. Certain plastics are better monitored through otherways than the examination of fish stomachs.


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ICES Advice: Special requests

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